新概念第一册Lesson79 80.ppt

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Carol’s shopping list Revision Use in/on/at to describe the time. _____ 2012 Translate these phrases: 看牙医 预约 很紧急 我难受极了 牙疼的厉害 现在 等到今天下午 shopping list 购物单 make a shopping list 整理床铺 泡茶, 泡咖啡 1.我昨天和我朋友去逛了街. I ________________ my friends yesterday. 2.我打算明天去购物. I’m going to do some shopping tomorrow. 3.我需要制作一个购物清单. I _______ make a ____________. 4.我正在制作一个购物清单. I am making a shopping list. 5.我必须现在去一趟购物中心. I _____ go to the ______________ now. need v. 需要 -ee /i:/ ①.需要某物 need sth. ②.需要做某事 need to do sth. 我需要两支笔. I need two pens. 他需要一块肥皂. He ____________ soap. 我妈妈需要去超市. My mom ___________ the supermarket. Tom需要洗个澡. Tom needs to take a bath. compare need with want : 区别: need want 相同点: need want money [不可数n.] 钱 pocket money 零用钱 lucky money 压岁钱 I hope that you’ve got some money. 我希望你还有些钱. Time is money. 时间就是金钱. Answer the questions: 1. What’s Carol doing? She is making a shopping list. 2. Have they got any tea and coffee? No, they haven’t. 3. Have they got any potatoes? Yes, they’ve got a lot of potatoes. 4. Have they got any meat? No, they haven’t got any meat at all. 5. Has Tom got much money? No, he hasn’t. 6. What’s Carol not going to buy? She is not going to buy any meat. 5. We haven’t got any meat at all. at all 丝毫,一点,根本,完全 我完全不同意你的看法。 I dont agree with you at all. not … at all 一点也不, 根本不 只用于否定句 中 1. 我一点也不饿. I’m ____ hungry _____ ______ . 2. 他一点也不喜欢苹果. He _______ like apples ____ ____. 3. 我们根本不需要钱. We ____________________________. 6. And I’m not going to get any! 此处“get”表示“买…”,相当于“buy”。 1. have and have got 1. have got 表示“有”,其中 have 为助动词 2. have got 三单形式: has got ①.含义: have = have got 意为“有…” 但是have got通常用于口语,have适用于任何环境. I have some apples. = I have got some apples. He has some friends. = He has got some friends. ②否定形式: 我没有苹果. I ______ have ______ apples. = I ______ got ______ apples. 他没有朋友. He _______ have _____ frien


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