新概念英语第二册lesson 30.ppt

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Grammar in use 1 2 3 4 特指加 the 在海洋、 河流、 湖海、 山脉前 加 the 在方位词 前加the The + 单数名词表类别 The Grammar in use 5 6 7 专用名词加 the 乐器前面加 the 独一无二的 事物 加 the 在序数词或最高级前加 the 8 Grammar in use 9 10 11 姓氏复数前加 the 表示一家人 年代名词前加 the 阶级党派分类前加the 有些固定搭配要加 the 12 Grammar in use 13 14 15 打某人的某个部位加 the The + 形容词比较级 The + 形容词表示具备该特征的一类人 by + the + 单数数量词,表示“以….为计” 16 Grammar in use 1 2 The Atlantic ; The Yellow River ; The Mediterranean 地中海; the Himalayas 喜马拉雅山 3 In the south of :在南部; the west 西部 ; on the left , on the right . Peter went into a classroom two minutes ago. The classroom was so quiet.(前面提到过classroom , 第二次用 classroom 时加 the ) The bag I bought yesterday is blue. Grammar in use 4 5 the Great Wall 6 Play the guitar. 注意:如果乐器是以拼音命名的中国乐器,刚不加the. Play erhu. 弹二胡 The horse is a useful animal . 马是有用的动物。 Grammar in use 7 8 the second the biggest 9 the earth the world the sun . the Bushes 布什一家 the Wangs 王姓一家 Grammar in use 10 11 The Communist Party of China : 中国共产党; the Democratic Party 民主党 12 in the 90s. 在90年代 in the end . 最终 Grammar in use 13 14 The sooner , the better . 越快越好。 15 I hit Tom on the nose . ( 或 in the nose ) 我打中了汤姆的鼻子。 the missing 失踪的人 ; the weak 弱者 Grammar in use 16 17 the United States ; The United Kingdom ; the People’s Republic of China 17 by the second 以秒计; by the month 以月计 The USA ; the UK ; The Philippines ;The Congo ; The Netherlands Congo [k??g?u] ? ? 一、根据句意和汉语提示用适当形式填空 1. He ______the ball into the river.(踢) 2. We are ______ ready, please wait for a moment.(几乎) 3. Their behavior _______ me shows that they do not like me.(朝,向) 4. The children are very excited at first _____ of elephant.(看见) 5. He ____ the cake into pieces and gave each of us a piece.(切) 6. They tried to ____ the small boat off with a paddle.(划) 7. Don’t _____ the old bottle away. It may be useful.(扔) 8. That dog was _______ hard by the stones and ran away.(打) kicked nearly towards sight cut row throw struck Exercise 二、选用a, an, the, some或any填空(


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