
AWS D1.1-2015 中英双语版 (不含资料性附录).pdf

AWS D1.1-2015 中英双语版 (不含资料性附录).pdf

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AWS D1.1/D1.1M:2015 An American National Standard 美国国家标准 Approved by the American National Standards Institute July 28, 2015 2015 年7月 28日由美国标准学会批准 Structural Welding Code▲ Specification — Steel 23rd Edition 钢结 构焊 接技 术说明 书 第 23版 Supersedes AWS D1.1/D1.1M:2010 取代 AWS D1.1/D.1M:2010 Prepared by the American Welding Society (AWS) D1 Committee on Structural Welding 美国焊接学会(AWS) D1结构焊接委员会 编制 Under the Direction of the AWS Technical Activities Committee AWS技术活动委员会 指导 Approved by the AWS Board of Directors AWS理事会 批准 宏華 内部资料( 不得外传) 零零落落出版品 Abstract 摘要 This code Specification covers the welding requirements for any type of welded structure made from the commonly used carbon and low-alloy constructional steels. Clauses 1 through 9 constitute a body of rules for the regulation of welding in steel construction. There are nine normative and eleven informative annexes in this code. A Commentary of the code is in- cluded with the document. 本技术说明书包含对常用碳素钢和低合金结构钢的任何类型结构的焊接要求。第 1條款 至第9條款 构成了钢结构焊接技术说明书条例的主体。技术说明书中载有技术说明书性附录9则和信息性附录 11 则。文件还包括对技术说明书条文的说明。 I AWS 系属民间组织,不应采用Code ; Code系属国家级所制定之标准的。所以 AWS所有发行的只能称 : Specification ,连Standard 等级都不到;读者应知美国政府 本身是不制订任何的Codes或 Specification的, ANSI 亦属民间组织,其功能在于统 合各协会间之差异性。译注 STANDARD it is a correction of indivisual activities shooting to their country require- is done by a group of people arranged by government.these are the connection of parame- ters highly technical documents,not legalised. CODE IT IS THE LEGAL DO


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