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第 35 卷 第 12 期 继电器 Vol.35 No.12 2007 年 6 月 16 日 RELAY June 16, 2007 全网无功优化的变电站电压无功控制策略 张玉珠 1,杨丽徙 1,侯向阳 2,周哲 2 (1.郑州大学电气工程学院,河南 郑州 450000;2.郑州新力电力有限公司,河南 郑州 450000) 摘要:九区图是以工作点是否位于最优控制区为启动控制判据的无功优化调控策略;五区图是一种基于动作效果预算,以操 作优劣距离为判据,面向 VQC 装置的调控策略;针对五区图的边界盲区缺乏明确的动作判据的缺陷,提出了九区图五区图组 合调控策略;对于全网的变电站,根据设定的最优限值曲线,按照九区图判断各变电站的无功调压设备的工作点区域及启动 区的上下限,仅对有越限的变电站按照五区图进行 VQC 装置的调控,既可减少控制变量的频繁操作,又可保证全网电压的质 量和全网潮流的最优分布。 关键词: 电压无功控制; 九区图; 五区图; 组合控制策略; 全局优化; 盲区 Strategy of voltage and reactive power control on global optimization control ZHANG Yu-zhu1, YANG Li-xi1, HOU Xiang-yang2, ZHOU Zhe2 (1.School of Electric Engineering, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450000,China; 2. Xinli Power Company Limited, Zhengzhou 450000,China ) Abstract: Nine-zone theory is optimization of reactive power control strategy which takes the operating point whether is located the superior control area as the start control criterion. Five-zone theory is one kind regulative strategy based on the movement effect, which adopts the criterion of operation quality distance and faces VQC installment. In view of the boundary blind area of five-zone theory lacks of the explicit movement criterion, this paper presents nine-zone theory and five-zone theory combination control strategy.According to the most superior limiting value curve designed, it judges each substation the operating point region and start up limits of reactive power and voltage based on nine-zone theory in the entire net transformer substation. The substation over limits are adjusted using VQC device by five-zone theory. It can not only reduce the operation of control variable, but also make sure the voltage quality and optimal power flow of the whole network. Key words: voltage and reactive power control; nine-zone theory; five-zone theory; combination control strategy; global optimization ;blind area 中图分类号: TM715 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1003-4897(2007)12-0036-05 0 引言 电压质量对电力系统的安全与经济运行,有着 重要的影响。深入开展电网无功的优化规划工作, 实现无功设备的科学调控和无功功率的分层、分区、 就地平衡,是降低网损、保持电压质量合格的重要 手段


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