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第 36 卷 第 6 期 2014 年 11 月 石 油 钻 采 工 艺 OIL DRILLING PRODUCTION TECHNOLOGY Vol. 36 No. 6 Nov. 2014 文章编号:1000 – 7393(2014)06 – 0116– 06 doi:10.13639/j.odpt.2014.06.029 修井作业井口无人操作起下油管装置 耿玉广 1 谷全福 2 王树义 2 曾良军 2 孙连会 2 李宝军 2 (1. 华北油田公司采油工程研究院,河北任丘 062552;2. 华北油田公司第二采油厂,河北霸州 065709) 引用格式:耿玉广,谷全福,王树义,等 . 修井作业井口无人操作起下油管装置[J]. 石油钻采工艺,2014,36(6):116-121. 摘要:基于现有修井机的动力和提升条件,研制出一种井口无人操作起下油管装置,主要包括油管自动悬吊系统、液压钳 自动上卸扣系统和远程液压控制系统。各部分的操作指令集中到修井机的控制台上,由司机手远程操控完成油管的抓放、扶正、 对中、悬持、上卸扣、锁定和起下,实现了 1 名司机手和 1 名场地工即可完成起下油管作业,不仅降低了工人劳动强度,而且保证 了工人起下油管时远离井口危险区域免受伤害。该装置结构简单,体积小,性能稳定,不占用井口人工操作空间,不影响人工井 控抢险,不妨碍井口人员逃生,不增加搬家车辆和运行成本,施工速度可控且与人工操作水平相当,受到现场工人的欢迎。 关键词:修井作业;起下油管;液压控制;吊卡;液压钳;气动卡盘 中图分类号:TE935 文献标识码:A A device of pulling and running tubing string for workover with unmanned wellhead operation GENG Yuguang1, GU Quanfu2, WANG Shuyi2, ZENG Liangjun2, SUN Lianhui2, LI Baojun2 (1.Petroleum Production Engineering Research Institute, Huabei Oil?eld Company, Renqiu 062552, China; 2. The Second Oil Production Factory, Huabei Oil?eld Company, Bazhou 065709, China) Abstract: Based on the existing power and elevating conditions of workover rig, a kind of device of pulling and running tubing string with unmanned operation at wellhead is developed. It mainly includes automatic suspension system, hydraulic pincers automati- cally screwing system and remote hydraulic control system. Control commands of each part are concentrated on workover console. A driver remotely controls to catch or put, centralize, center, hang, screw, lock, pull or run tubing. A driver and a site worker can complete the work, which not only reduces the labor intensity, but also keeps the workers away from the harm of dangerous area at wellhead. The new device has great advantages with its simple design, small volume and stable performance, do not occupy the wellhead artificial operation space, do not affect the artificial well control emergency, do not interfere with the wellhead evacuation and do not increase the


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