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第30卷 第2期2009年3月 石油学报 A CT A PETROLEI SINICA V o l. 30M ar N o. 2 2009 基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(No No资助。 作者简介:刘清友, 男, 1965年10月生, 1997年获西南石油学院博士学位, 现为西南石油大学教授, 博士生导师, 主要从事石油天然气装备、油气井工 E qy com. cn 文章编号:0253 2697(2009 02 0304 04 微小井眼水力加压器结构设计及钻压计算 刘清友 单代伟 王国荣 (西南石油大学油气藏地质及开发工程国家重点实验室 四川成都 610500 摘要:微小井眼钻进过程中, 连续管的直径小、刚度低, 采用传统的钻铤施加钻压不能满足钻井需要, 为此设计了一种用于88 9mm 井眼的微小井眼水力加压器。综合考虑井下马达、水力加压器以下钻柱与井壁的摩擦力、水力加压器运动部件与缸体内壁的摩擦 力等因素对井底钻压的影响, 建立了水力加压器串联在井下马达上方时井底钻压计算模型, 通过对模型的求解可以得到钻井液流量、喷嘴直径与钻压关系曲线, 为水力加压器在微小井眼钻进中的应用提供了理论依据。关键词:微小井眼; 水力加压器; 结构设计; 钻柱; 摩擦力; 钻压; 计算模型中图分类号:T E 21 文献标识码:A Structure design of hydraulic thruster and computation model of weight on bit in micro -hole LIU Qingy ou SH AN Daiw ei WANG Guorong (State K ey L abor atory f or Oil and Gas Reser voir Geolo gy and Ex p loitation , Southwest P etr oleum Univ er sity , Chengd u 610500, China Abstract :T he coiled tubing used in the micro -ho le drilling has the shor tcoming s of slender and highly flex ible structure. T he dr illing weig ht on bit acted by the popular co llar is difficult to meet the requirement of the micr o -hole dr illing. A micro -ho le hydraulic thruster was designed t o employ in bo rehole with a diameter of 88. 9mm. A computatio n mo del for dr illing weig ht on bit while the hy dr aulic thr uster co nnected abov e t he mud mo tor was pro posed, in consider ation of the effects of mud mot or, frict ion betw een side wall and dr illing str ing beneat h the thrust er, fr iction betw een the mo ving components of thruster and the inner wall of its housing on the bot tom of dr illing w eig ht. Solving the model co uld derive the r elation curv es o f flow rate and nozzle diameter w ith the weig ht on bit. T he r esear ch r esults can prov ide t he r eference fo r applicatio n o f hydraulic t hr uster in micro -ho le drilling. Key words :m icro -ho le; hy dr aulic thruster; structur e desig n; drilling collar ; fr iction; weig ht on bit; co mputatio n mo del 微小井眼钻井是指采用小型化连续管钻井技术钻直径小于88 9mm



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