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消防应急广播词 火警警报: 请注意,现在火警警铃响起,原因正在调查,请保持冷静等候消息,谢谢! Your attention please, the fire alarm has been sounded and the cause which is been investigated. Please remain calm and wait for further instructions. Thank you. 错误警报: 请注意,经过仔细调查,火警警铃是错误的响起,我们对带来的不方便深表抱歉,谢谢您的合作! Your attention please, the cause of fire alarm has been investigated and was found to be a faults alarm. We apologize for the inconvenience caused. And thank you for your cooperation. 疏散通知: 请注意,发现危险情况马上离开,不可乘坐电梯,从离你最近的安全出口楼梯离开。 Your attention please, an emergency situation has been declared. And you are requested to evacuate the building immediately. Please do not attend to use the lifts instead please make use the fire exit staircases located nearest to you. 消防演习前(邀请客人参加的)——演习前15分钟至5分钟滚动播出: 女士们,先生们,请注意!酒店即将进行例行的消防疏散演习,请不必惊慌。我们热忱的邀请您参加,请您听到广播后在工作人员的引导下从安全通道撤离酒店。我们对给您带来的不便深表歉意。谢谢! Ladies and gentlemen, attention please! We will hold a fire evacuation drill, please do not panic. We are pleased to invite you to participate this fire evacuation drill, please leave the hotel under the direction of our staff once you heard the broadcasting. We regret for the inconvenience it may cause, thank you. 消防演习前(不用客人参加的)——演习前15分钟至5分钟滚动播出: 女士们,先生们,请注意!酒店即将进行例行的消防疏散演习,请不必惊慌。您不必采取任何行动。我们对给您带来的不便深表歉意。谢谢! Ladies and gentlemen, attention please! We will hold a fire evacuation drill, please do not panic. Please disregard the broadcasting. We are regret for the inconvenience it may cause, thank you. 消防演习后——演习结束后滚动播出3遍 女士们,先生们,请注意!酒店例行的消防疏散演习已经结束。我们对给您带来的不便深表歉意。谢谢! Ladies and gentlemen, attention please! The fire evacuation drill has ended. We regret for the inconvenience it may cause, thank you. 消防测试广播Broad casting massage for Fire test 请大家注意,我是本酒店的消防指挥,为了您的安全,我们将进行一次消防警报系统的测试。在您听到警铃声后,请不要惊慌。谢谢! May I have your attention please. This is the hotel fire safety director. Please disregard the non toss through you’re hearing. For your safety, we’ll be conducting a test on the fire alarm system for the next time. Thank you!



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