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喂,那是我们店的手推车吧? Hey, is that one of our carts? 不,这是我家的。 Oh. No, I it’s my family’s cart. 我三岁的时候它就在我家院子里了。 Uh, it’s been our backyard since I was three. 得了吧,把它还回来。 Yeah, right, come on, just give it back. 我没骗你,好吗,真是我家的 I’m not lying, all right ? It’s ours. 天气好的时候,我们就把它架在火上当烧烤架。 Uh, when it’s nice out, we put it over a fire and use it as a grill. 看到没 See? Look. 上面还有奶酪呢。 There’s a little cheese left. 怎么还有个孩子在里面? Why is there a baby in there? 我还没买到专用的婴儿推车。 I don’t have a regular baby pusher thing yet. 我们正要去典当行。 So, we’re headed to the pawnshop right now. 先生,这是谁的孩子? Sir…whose baby is that? 我的,她叫碧昂丝公主,但我打算改个名字。 Mine. Uh, her name is Princess Beyonce, but I’m thinking of changing that. 看,我还没来得及买奶瓶。 See, I don’t have a bottle yet. 我几个小时前才有了她。 I just got her a few hours ago. 塞布丽娜! Sabrina! 你死哪儿去了? What the dog doo? 休息够了,快进来! Break’s over! I need you! 有人又把货架上所有的汤罐都放反了。 Somebody took all the soup cans off the shelf and put’em back upside down again! 谁能干出这种事啊? Who would put all the soup cans upside down? 我。 Oh, me. -为啥啊?-不知道,我在杂货店工作。 -Why? - I don’t know, I work at a grocerytory-- 一时无聊。 I get bored. 塞布丽娜! Sabrina! 好吧,你… Okay, just… 你保证这真是你的孩子吗? Promise me that that’s your baby. 我保证 Oh, I promise. 淡定,奶奶 Just calm down. Maw Maw. 没你想得那么糟。 It’s not as bad as you think. 咋回事 What’s going on? 她清醒了。 She’s lucid. 整整五分钟了。 It’s been almost five minutes. 妈呀,真长 Whoa, that is long one. 所以,你是想说我让你们所有人在我家白吃白住? So, you’re telling me that I just left all you live in my house free? 难以置信。 Unbelievable. 吉米的电话。 It’s Jimmy. 喂。 Hello. 你他妈又是谁? Who the hell are you? 我是迈克·吉米的表兄。 I’m Mike, Jimmy’s cousin. 因为某次离婚,咱俩就扯上亲戚关系了。 You and I are related by divorce or something. 我住在你洗衣房的帐篷里。 I live in a tent in your laundry room. 不,你别想继续住了 No, not anymore you don’t. 你们都给我收拾行李,卷铺盖走人,找别的奶嘴去吸吧。 You guys, pack up all your gypsy circus and find another teat to suck on. 你开什么玩笑? You’re kidding me. 他在典当行把购物车弄丢了。 The shopping cart got stolen when he was in the pawn shop. 不是吧。 Oh, man! 我还打算这周烤汉堡的。 I was gonna grill burgers t


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