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复杂高层建筑抗震与消能减震研 复杂高层建筑抗震与消能减震研究进展 吕西林 , 蒋欢军 (同济大学 土木工程防灾国家重点实验室 , 上海 200092 ) 摘要 :复杂高层建筑的震害在近来的历次地震中都有发生 ,其抗震分析和设计难度较大 ,提高其抗震性能是当前建筑抗震 的难点之一。通过对近 10 年来国内在复杂高层建筑抗震方面的研究进行回顾和总结 ,重点介绍了组合剪力墙及筒体结 构、钢管混凝土结构、结构模型振动台试验和三种消能减震方法。提出了采用新型高效的结构体系及高性能抗震部件或消 能减震新技术改善复杂高层建筑抗震性能。这些研究工作与工程实践紧密结合 ,大部分研究成果已在实际工程中成功应 用。 关键词 :复杂高层建筑 ; 结构体系 ; 组合剪力墙及筒体结构 ; 钢管混凝土结构 ; 振动台模型试验 ; 结构抗震控制 中图分类号 : TU 973131 文献标志码 : A Re search p rogre ss of ea rthquake re sistance and energy d issip a tion of comp lex ta ll bu ild ings LU X ilin, J IAN G H uan jun ( Sta te Key L abo ra to ry fo r D isa ste r R educ tion in C ivil Enginee ring, Tongji U n ive rsity, Shangha i 200092 , Ch ina) A b stra ct: Comp lex ta ll bu ild ings suffered dam ages in recen t earthquake s. There a re mo re cha llenge s in seism ic analysis and de sign of comp lex ta ll bu ild ing. Imp roving the seism ic p erfo rm ance of comp lex ta ll bu ild ings is one of the mo st d ifficu lt task s in today’s p rac tice of earthquake resistan t de sign. Th is p ap er review s the p rogress of ea rthquake re sistance of comp lex tall bu ild ings in recen t ten yea rs in Ch ina, focu sing on compo site shear wall and tube structu re, conc rete2filled steel tube structu re, shak ing tab le te sts on scaled struc tu ra l mode ls, and th ree m ethod s fo r seism ic energy d issip ation. The new ways to imp rove seism ic p e rfo rm ance of comp lex ta ll bu ild ings by adop ting new effic ien t structu ra l system and h igh p e rfo rm ance componen t, o r energy d issip ation techno logy are p ropo sed. It can be seen that the ba sic research wo rk is com b ined w ith enginee ring p ractice c lo sely and mo st of the resea rch ach ievem en ts have been app lied to p rac tice successfu lly. Keyword s: comp lex ta ll bu ild ing; structu ra l system; compo site shea r wall and tube struc tu re; conc rete2filled steel tube structu re; shak ing tab le mode l te st; structu ra l se ism ic con tro l 基金项目 :


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