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第36卷增刊1 第36卷增刊1 岩 土 工 程 学 报 V01.36 Supp.1 2014年 11月 Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering Nov. 2014 DoI:10.117791CJGE2014S1004 敏感环境深基坑工程TRD工法等厚度水泥土搅拌墙 设计与实践 邸国恩1’2,黄炳德1’ 2,王卫东1’2 (1.华东建筑设计研究总院地基基础与地下工程设计研究中心,上海200002: 2.上海基坑工程环境安全控制工程技术研究中心,上海200002) 摘要:淮安雨润国际广场工程为地处市中心的超大面积深基坑工程,该工程周边环境保护要求极高,基坑开挖深度 范围内及基底以下巨厚的粉土、粉砂层富含地下水,对基坑工程隔水设计提出了极高的要求。为确保基坑隔水效果、 保护周边环境,本工程在江苏地区首次采用了由TRD工法构建的等厚度水泥土搅拌墙隔水帷幕,有效的隔断了地下水, 确保了基坑和周边环境安全。详细介绍了淮安雨润国际广场基坑工程的设计,并着重阐述了TRD工法等厚度水泥土搅 拌墙隔水帷幕在本工程中的实施效果。 关键词:TRD工法;等厚度水泥土搅拌墙;敏感环境;深基坑;支护;隔水帷幕 中图分类号:TU43 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1000—4548(2014)S1—0025—06 作者简介:邸国恩(1979一),男,河北秦皇岛人,高级工程师,主要从事地下工程设计与研究工作。E-mail: guoen com Design and application of constant thickness cement-soil wall constructed by TRD method in deep excavations with sensitive surroundings DI Guo-enl一,HUANG Bing-del一,WANG Wei—don91,2 (1.Department ofUnderground Structure&Geoteclmical Engineering,East ChinaArchitecture Design&Research Institute.Shanghai 200002,China;2.Shanghai Engineering Research Center of Safety Control for Facilities Adjacent Deep Excavations,Shanghai 200002, China) Abstract:The foundation pit of Huaian International Square located in the city center is super·large and deep excavation project.The requirement for protection of its adjacent surroundings is quite strict.The silt soil with great deal of water is widely dis订ibuted in this excavation.In order to the waterproof effect of the excavation and protect the surrounding environment,the TRD wall is firstly used in Jiangsu areas,which is new retaining structure for excavation,or named the constant thickness cement-soil wall constructed by the TRD method.It is successfully used to cut off groundwater and to the safety of the surrounding environment in the project.Based the deep excavation project of Huaian International Square, the characteristics,application conditions and key design technology of the llew excavation retaining structure“TRD’’are introduced. Key words:TRD construction method;constant thickn


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