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2015年6月 2015年6月 机床与液压 Jun.2015 第43卷第11期 MACHINE T00LHYDRAULICS V01.43 No.11 DoI:10.3969/j.issn.100卜3881.2015.011.038 数控机床能耗单元能耗成分分析数学模型 马峰,张华,鄢威 (武汉科技大学机械自动化学院,湖北武汉430081) 摘要:针对数控机床能耗源众多的特性,从能量消耗的去向出发对其能耗成分数学模型进行研究。分析数控机床各能 耗单元的能耗构成,将数控机床能耗划分为加工能耗和辅助能耗,其中辅助能耗又可以细化为问接加工能耗和损失能耗, 加工能耗主要与机床载荷有关,而辅助能耗与机床负载相对独立,可以近似为一个常量。基于数控机床各能耗单元的能量 平衡方程,建立能耗单元能耗成分分析数学模型,该模型可为数控机床加工过程中的能量效率分析与预测提供一种新的理 论方法,同时为进一步优化机床能效奠定理论基础。 关键词:数控机床;多能耗源;能耗成分 中图分类号:Tc5 文献标志码:A 文章编号:100l一3881(2015)11—140一5 Analysis Mathematical Model of Energy Consumption Composition for Energy Consumption Unit of CNC Machine Tools MA Feng,ZHANG Hua,YAN Wei (School of Machinery and Automation,Wuhan UniverSity of Science and Technology,Wuhan Hubei 43008 1,China) Abstract: The mathematical model of ene唱y consuInp“on of CNC machine tool was studied fmm considering the view of energy consumption now by aimed the multi—enel’gy—sources feature of the machine.The of each energy consumption unit of CNC machine tool was analyzed,where the energy were classified into processing energy consumption and auxiliary energy consump- tion.Among which the auxiliary enel苫y consumption was also able divided into indil-ect processing eneIjgy consumption and the lost, where the p1.ocessing mainly 1.elated the machine load and the auxiliary was independent of the machine load which was approximated constant.Based fhe energy balance equa“on of each energy consumption unit of CNC machine tool,the mathematical model for energy consumption unit composition was up.The proposed energy model provide new theoretic method fbr energy emcien— cy analysis and forecasting during the machining process of the machine,and ac the same time provides the theoretical foundation for energy—saving optimization of CNC machine t00ls. Keywords: CNC


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