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1.熟词生义、熟义情景比较记 1.advance:In order to advance growth,he asked for an advance on his salary. 为促进成长,他要求预付薪水。 2.against:Im against the measure,but the picture really looks nice against the white wall. 虽然我反对这种做法,但这幅画在白墙的衬托下的确很美。 3.age:Age aged him rapidly. 年龄使他快速衰老。 4.agree with:I quite agree with him on the sports though his words do not agree with his actions. 我非常同意他在运动方面的见解,尽管他言行不一致。 5. absorb:Absorbed in the magazine,you can absorb the latest information. 专注于这本杂志,你就可以获得必威体育精装版的信息。 6. acknowledge:Acknowledged as one of the greatest pianists,he waved his hands to acknowledge the crowd. 被认为是最杰出的钢琴家之一,他挥手向人群表示感谢。 7. arm:I seized the thief by the arm and took away his arms. 我抓住了小偷的胳膊,拿走了他的武器。 8.attend:John was ill so he couldnt attend the party. He was attended by his personal physician at home. John病了,不能参加集会。在家里由他的私人医生照料。 9.back:Many of my friends sitting at the back of the room backed my plan. 我许多坐在房子后部的朋友支持我的计划。 10.badly:The boys bike went bad,so he badly needed a new one. 这个孩子的自行车坏了,所以他迫切需要一辆新的。 11.blue:My face was blue with cold and I felt rather blue today. 我的脸冻得发青,我今天很忧郁。 12. bury:He buried his face in his hands and was buried in thought. 他双手掩面,专心思考。 13.capital:Beijing,capital of our country,usually has a capital letter at the beginning. 我国首都北京的首字母是要大写的。 14.catch:Can you catch my words? The woman was caught stealing in the supermarket. 你能明白我说的吗?这名女士被发现在超市里偷窃。 15.desert:Faced with the difficulty,he deserted his child in the desert. 面对困难,他把孩子遗弃在戈壁滩。 16 .desperate:On hearing that,I felt desperate because I was always desperate to get the job. 一听到这,我就感到绝望,因为我一直渴望得到这份工作。 17. down:Walking down the hill,I felt down because of the failure. 下山的时候,由于失败,我感到失望。 18. drive:Drive with caution! Dont drive me crazy. 谨慎驾驶,不要把握逼疯。 19.eye:A surgeon needs a good eye and a steady hand. Besides,keep an eye on patients behavior. 外科医生眼要准,手要稳。并且要密切关注病人的反应。 20.fail:Having failed many times in the exam,he failed us greatly. 在考试中经历多次失败后,他非常令我们失望。


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