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重庆大学本科学生毕业设计(论文) 中文摘要 -Ⅰ- 重庆大学本科学生毕业设计(论文) 英文摘要 - - Ⅱ- 摘 要 电阻焊作为一种高效、廉价且机械化和自动化程度较高的连接技术,非常适合在薄板的焊接之中,广泛应用于低碳钢板、高强钢板和镀层钢板的焊接。正是由于电阻焊在薄板焊接方面有着其它焊接工艺难以比拟的优势,并且它易于学习和操作,焊接工艺成熟可靠,所以电阻焊承担了长安之星汽车中门的整个焊接过程,但同时电阻焊在焊接的过程中也容易出现未焊透或焊穿等缺陷。本文就是分析保证车门焊接质量、效率的焊接设备和工艺参数,并分析这些工艺参数是如何保证车门的焊接质量,分析这些参数对焊接质量影响的关系,寻找解决这些缺陷的方案、措施,设计优化的焊接工艺。 长安之星(CM5)汽车中门使用的材料是低碳钢薄板。焊接的方法全是电阻点焊。文中首先是对中门焊接生产线的内外蒙皮结构及焊接零部件的分析,其次分析了夹具在车门焊接过程中的定位夹紧作用。然后选取了合适的焊接设备,在分析电阻焊电源、焊接原理的基础上,结合长安之星汽车中门现行的焊接工艺,重点分析电阻焊工艺参数的变化对焊接质量的影响,提出保证汽车中门焊接质量的措施,最终设计出了优化的焊接工艺。 关键词: 电阻焊,汽车车门,焊接工艺 ABSTRACT Resistance as an efficient, low-cost and higher degree of mechanization and automation of the connection technology, is very suitable for welding thin plate, and is currently widely used in low-carbon steel, high strength steel and welding steel plate coating.Because resistance welding in the light gauge welding has a very big advantages.Compared to the other welding method. and it is easy to learn and operate, welding technology is very mature and reliable. Therefore, resistance welding is used to the Star Changan Automobile middle door of all the welding process. But at the same time the resistance welding process of welding is also prone to lack of penetration or welding defects such as wear. The purpose of the issue through the Chongqing Changan Automobile Group three factories Changan Star (CM5)of the existing car door weiding procuduces analysis and research. Analysis how to ensure the doors of welding quality and efficiency of welding equipment and the process parameters and explaine the process parameters is how to ensure that the doors of the welding quality,analysis these parameters is how to influence the doors of the welding quality, to find a solution and measure to these shortcomings.Finally can desigin an optimized welding process . Changan Star (CM5) car doors use mild-steel sheet for material.The welding m



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