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PAGE 哈尔滨工业大学毕业设计(论文) I- 摘 要 本文介绍了红外线感应开关的原理,采用热释电红外探头(PT8A2621)将接收到的微弱信号加以放大,然后驱动继电器,制成红外热释电感应开关。本开关能探测来自移动人体的红外辐射,只要人体进入探测区域,开关会自动开启。该设计可作为企业、宾馆、商场及住宅的走廊、楼梯、电梯间、卫生间、库房等处的自动开关,起到“人来灯自亮,人走灯自灭”的作用,既新颖方便,又节约用电,在某些场所还能起到威慑盗窃活动的防范作用。本设计结构简单,本身不发任何类型的辐射,器件功耗很小,价格低廉,隐蔽性好,应用范围广,所以可以通过扩展而达到实际的应用。 并给出了被动式热释电红外探测器和可见光探测器探测的数据, 并通过单片机处理后与国家标准设定的数值进行了对比。简述了输出调节信号、控制LED 驱动电路和照明系统对室内亮度进行调节的过程。通过理论分析, 提出了合理的稳压电源、连接方式、灯体结构的设计方法, 解决LED 的驱动电源、连接方式和散热三个问题。试安装一年结果表明, 照明效果稳定, 节能超过50 % , 效果明显。 关键词:LED;红外线;感应开关;探测区域 Abstract In this paper, a composition by infrared and a new type of LED energy-saving lamps. For general lighting, people need more white light sources. As a new light source, white LED with pollution-free, long-life, vibration and shock resistant to the distinct characteristics. The principle of infra-red sensors, switches, pyroelectric infrared probe (PT8A2621) will receive the weak signal to be amplified, then drive relays, made of pyroelectric infrared sensor switch. The switch can detect the human body from a mobile infrared radiation, as long as the human body to enter the detection area, switch will automatically open. The design can be used as enterprises, hotels, shopping malls and residential corridors, staircases, elevator, bathroom, and the Treasury, etc. Automatic switch, play the role of quot;people from the bright lights, the lights go out sincequot; the role of both the new convenience, and the conservation of electricity, in some places also act as a deterrent role in theft prevention activities. Simple structure of this design, the device power consumption is very small, low cost, covert, and a wide range of applications, it can be achieved through the expansion of practical application. Keywords::LED; Infrared; Sensor switch; Detection of regional 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \u 摘 要 Ⅰ Abstract Ⅱ 第1章 绪论 1 1.1 课题背景 1 1.2 目的意义 1 1.3 LED的介绍 3 1.4 LED光源的优点 6 1.5 LED产业发展历程及相关企业背景 7 1.6课题研究的主要内容 7 第2章 方案选择 8 2.1 方案选择 8 2.2 单元电路的设计 9 本章小结 9 第3章 红外线控制系统 10 3.1红外线接



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