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读后续写写作指导 浙江省普陀中学 张成年 四种能力 刘庆思、陈康(2016) 语言能力 文化意识 思维品质 学习能力 英语学科核心素养 读后续写遵循了语言学习规律,提供语篇情境,撩起表达意愿。 阅读理解与写作产出; 语言学习与语言运用; 内容创造与语言模仿; 四个“有” 创造有依据 模仿有样板 互动有读物 拉平有标杆 三个“紧密结合“ 有效促学 “读·思·写”的过程指导 读 读出原文中的有效信息,为思做好铺垫和准备; 思 构思故事情节,是一个创造的过程; 既要结合读出来的信息,又要创造自己的内容; 写 通过写作微技能的具体运用落实思的结果, 是对思的精准表达。 读出原文中有效信息 原文是续写的起点; 读懂内容是续写的基础; 创造有根有据,发展合情合理。 读利用文本特征,读出有效信息 读什么? 1、读懂内容,为续写的融洽性奠定基础 时间 动作线索 心理线索 夫妻吵架时 野营途中起争执 生气 发觉迷路时 负气出走觉迷路 意外 寻找归路时 惊叫求助无应答 害怕 山中露宿时 夜幕降临思夫君 思念 发现小溪时 野果裹腹寻归路 希望 飞机飞离时 树木掩身失飞机 遗憾 2、读出线索,为思维的逻辑发展指明方向 After she had climbed to a high place, she turned around, hoping to see the lake. Lying awake in the dark, Jane wanted very much to be with Tom and her family. Feeling stronger now, Jane began to walk along the stream and hope it would lead her to the lake. Jane took off her yellow blouse, thinking that she should go to an open area and flag them if they came back again. 3、读出语言特点,为连贯性提供依据 flag them Jane rose at the break of day, hungry and thirsty. picked her way, walked, climbed, kept moving If only she had not left her mobile phone in that bag with Tom. Never in her life had she tasted anything better. The farther she walked, the more confused she became. 3.读出语言特点,为上下文的连贯提供依据 为续写的融洽性奠定基础 为思维的逻辑发展指明方向 为上下文连贯性提供依据 读利用文本特征,读出有效信息 “读·思·写”的过程指导 读 读出原文中的有效信息,为思做好铺垫和准备; 思 构思故事情节,是一个创造的过程; 既要结合读出来的信息,又要创造自己的内容; 写 通过写作微技能的具体运用落实思的结果, 是对思的精准表达。 思结合续写导引,构思合理情节 情节要完整 情感要呼应 思考情节如何发展? Its a perfect family summer seaside holiday. Occasionally some white clouds floated across the blue sky. The sand beach was soft and comfortable. The water was glistering in the morning sunlight and the surf was cool on their feet as Krin and Paula leisurely walked along the water edge. The brother and sister began to make some sand castles not far away. Mother sat under a big umbrella, reading a book with a bottle of lemonade in her hand. Father was busy exchanging a few words of greetings with the strangers he met on the beach. Suddenly, Chris spotted some pieces of seashells lying scattered on


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