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学?士 学 位 论 文 (2011届) 正文题名:社会工作者队伍建设 English Title:Construction of social workers 本科生姓名 指导教师姓名 专业名称 社会工作 研究方向 社会学 论文提交日期 2011年5月 社会工作者队伍建设 中文摘要 我国正处于由计划经济向市场经济的转变过程之中。在这个转变过程中,社会工作将起到调整社会关系、调节社会矛盾、解决社会问题、预防社会问题发生,保证经济和社会持续稳定协调发展的作用。社会工作的功能被凸显,社会工作者的价值也将得以体现。由于职业的特殊性,社会工作者素质的高低直接决定着社会工作功能的实现与否,因此,社会工作者队伍的建设与管理就显得尤为重要。 本文综合运用了问卷法、文献法和访谈法等多种调查方法,对苏州市部分社会工作者进行了抽样调查。研究表明,当前苏州市社会工作者队伍存在着诸多问题,如年龄过大、专业水平不够、工资待遇偏低、社会认知度不高等等。本文针对当前社会工作者队伍建设和管理中存在的问题,为建设一只合格的社会工作者队伍,使其更好的为社区服务,更好的沟通政府与人民,从以下几个方面提出了相应的对策:一要完善现有的制度,规范日常的管理工作;二要强化培训力度,提升专业素养;三要加大财政投入,提高社会工作者的待遇;四要借鉴境外的社会工作经验。 希望本文能为当前国内社会工作者的进一步发展提供些许参考和借鉴。 关键词:社会工作者 社工现状 队伍建设 作 者:孙超 指导教师:宋言奇 Construction of social workers Abstract Now our country is in a planned economy to a market economy by the change process. In this process of change, social work, social relations will play an adjustment to regulate social conflicts, solve social problems, prevention of social problems and ensure sustainable and stable economic and social development of the role of coordination. However, social workers, as a major force in the implementation of social work, but now there are more or less the kinds of problems. This paper uses a questionnaire, literature and interviews and other surveys, some of the streets of Suzhou City conducted a sample survey. Research shows that the current District, Suzhou City team of social workers there are many problems, such as age is too large, professional enough, low wages, not higher social awareness, etc. To build a team of qualified social workers, to better serve the community, better communication between the Government and people, we must start from the following aspects: First, we must improve the existing system, standardize the management of daily ; Second, we must strengthen the training, and enhance professionalism; Third, we must increase financial input to improve the treatment of social workers. Hope for the further development of social workers provide referenc



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