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人力资源管理系统 员工培训管理模块的设计与实现 中文摘要:人力资源管理是企业信息管理的重要部分,面对大量的人事信息,采用人力处理即浪费时间、又浪费人力和物力,并且数据的准确性低。然而通过应用人力资源管理系统使得我们能够集中对企业人事工作进行管理,为企业的带来更大的经济利益。快捷、准确、方便、高效的人力资源管理系统是企事业单位的基本需求之一,因此,开发一个界面友好,易于操作的人力资源管理软件进行自动化处理变得十分重要,这正是本系统开发的目的和意义。 本文所阐述的是人力资源管理系统,以浏览器/服务器(B/S)模式高效地实现了人力资源管理系统的各项功能。本系统分为人事管理,个人管理,培训管理,招聘管理,员工绩效管理,系统管理六大模块。其中培训管理模块实现了三个模块:培训计划模块,包括培训任务,培训课程,培训员工的添加修改删除;培训实施模块,包括培训通知和培训评估;培训资料模块,包括书籍发布和资料共享。该系统有效提升了企业的效率和竞争力,满足了现代企业人力资源管理的需要。 由于Java语言是一种纯面相对象的语言,而且发展前景十分的广阔,因此本项目才用java语言作为根本,前台页面使用jsp语言,并选用经典的MVC模型框架Struts作为开发架构,在数据持久层方面则使用了Hibernate框架。 关键词:(B/S)模式、Java、MVC模型、Struts、Hibernate Abstract:Human resource management is an important part of company information management. We use manual work to deal with some message is both waste time and waste money and human resource, and make the data inaccurate when we faced the large of human resource information. But according to apply the HRMS, we can focus the management of the company HR works,and bring more income to company. A fast, exact, convenient, effective HRMS is a basic requirement of company. For this reason, open up a HRMS with UI friendly and operate conveniently to deal with information automatically is very important, and it is purpose of development.of our system. In this article, our HRMS bring out some function in model B/S effectively. There are six moudle in this HRMS: HR management, personal information management, employee teach management, job management, employee performance management and system management. Training management module which has three modules: module training plan, including training missions, training courses, training staff to add amendments to delete; Training modules, including training and training assessment notice; training modules, including book publishing and information sharing.This application can bring out a collection of HR works in company, and it bring up the effect and competitiveness of company, and make the company satisfy. Because JAVA is an object-oriented


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