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当代学校营销问题 The contemporary school marketing problems;专题三:学校品牌营销 (School brand marketing); 品牌 brand;中美十大品牌比较 ;;学校品牌----是学校在社会中地位的象征,是学校在长期发展过程中逐渐积淀凝结成为学校名称中的跨越时间和空间并为社会认同的心理符号,是学校精神的集中反映。 The school brand is a symbol of the school’s status in society, is the psychological symbol that a school gradually accumulate of condensed into the school’s names across time and space which social recognized in the long period of development, and it also is the concentrated reflection of the school spirit. ;二、学校品牌蕴含的价值(The value of school brand);2、学校品牌是学校经营业绩的体现 The school brand is the embodiment of the school performances. 英国剑桥大学因有62位校友获得诺贝尔奖而使剑桥大学名扬全球。 Cambridge university of England is famous all over the world since there are 62 alumnus who won the Nobel Prize 哈佛大学因培养6位美国总统而使哈佛大学走向世界一流大学。 Harvard University becomes the first-class university in the world because it has trained six of the American Presidents. 中国清华大学因培养了“两弹一星”的科学家而使清华大学盛名远播。 Tsinghua university of China is famous because it once trained scientists who are good at making missile.;;;三、学校品牌营销的策略(School brand’s marketing strategy) (一)形成学校核心竞争力,培植自己的品牌优势和特色(Form school core competence, and creat their own brand advantages and characteristics);;;;2、学校品牌优势和特色打造 (school brand‘’s Advantages and the construction of special brand);3、实施学校品牌策略,创建知名教育品牌 Implement school brand strategy, creat the well-known education brand;(二)充分利用传媒推介学校品牌,奠定公众心理信赖度和忠诚度(Making full use of media to promote the school brand, and fix the public psychological trust and loyalty);;2、加强品牌的宣传和推介(Strengthen the brand propaganda and promotion) 1)注意传播品牌特色意义,也就是它形象化的内涵,重点放在品牌的理念上,可通过简洁而引人的口号来概括。(Noting that the brand spread’s characteristics, meaning, that is, its figurative meaning, focus on the brand concept, introduced by simple slogans to summarize. ) 2)通过宣传一种有代表性的特色来间接地树立品牌。特色是宣传的主角,这就要求学校要创造出一种能传达整个品牌意义的特色,如大学的院士、诺贝尔奖获得者、名教授、毕业生成功者、重点学科、品牌专业、中小学升学率、毕业生的名人效应和区位优势等。(Through the propaganda of a representative characteristics to indirectly establish


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