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从政策干预和市场整合看入世 对中国农业的影响 Distortions to Agricultural Incentives, Market Integration, and the Implications of China’s WTO Accession 黄 季 火昆 Jikun Huang 中国科学院 农业政策研究中心 Scott Rozelle University of California, Davis 评估入世对中国农业的影响需回答的 三个关键问题 Three key issues in Assess the impacts of WTO on China’s agriculture • 中国农产品真实的保护水平? What is the protection level of China’s agriculture? • 中国农业干预或支持空间(财政和金融)? How large is the room for policy intervention (fiscal and financial)? • 中国农产品区域市场的整合程度? How regional markets are integrated? Or how closely into the economy are households integrated? 1 过去研究保护水平方法问题及对市场整合的看法 The traditional ways to measure protection and findings on market integration in China • 边界价格问题(进口金额 / 进口数量) Border price = import (export) value / quantity • 主要关注关税和国营贸易 Focused on tariffs and state trading as the major source of distortion • 区域农产品市场整合(一体化)程度低 Market are not integrated 总目的 Overall Goal 测定对农业激励的干预程度 测定市场整合程度 测定农业支持(财政和金融)的空间 评估入世对中国农业的影响及对策 Measure current policy distortions and market integration in China’s agricultural sector and assess the impacts of China’s WTO accession 2 主要干预政策 Major Distortion Policies 关税和国营贸易 Tariff and state trading 粮食市场干预政策 Grain marketing policies 非关税措施 NTBs 外汇政策 Exchange rate 增值税 Value added tax 出口补贴Export subsidies 财政和金融支持 fiscal and financial supports 市场准入: 2001 2004 减税(单一关税) : 21 % 17% 大豆 3% 3% 大麦 3- 114% 3% 水果 30- 40% 1


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