英文版中国标准 TBT 1484.1-2010.doc

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ICS29.280 S 35 TB Railway Professional Standards of the People’s Republic of China TB/T 1484.1—2010 Partially replaces TB/T 1484.1—2001 Specification for cables on board rolling stock - Part 1: Standard wall insulation cables up to AC 3 kV Issued on Aug. 22, 2010 Implemented on Feb. 1, 2011 Issued by Ministry of Railways of the People’s Republic of China TB/T 1484.1—2010 Contents Preface........................................................................................................................................................ II 1 Scope.................................................................................................................................................... 1 2 Normative references…………………………………………………………………………………………. 1 3 Terms and definitions 2 4 Cable classification, code, specification and structure 2 5 Technical requirements 6 6 Electrical properties 8 7 Safety performance 9 8 Inspection rules and methods 10 9 Delivery conditions 15 10 Packing, transportation and storage of cables 15 Appendix A (Normative appendix) Methods for Corona life test (3 kV grade cables) 17 I TB/T 1484.1—2010 Preface - Part 1: Standard wall insulation cables up to AC 3 kV; - Part 2: Thin walled insulated cable; - Part 3: 30 kV EPR insulated single phase power cables; - Part 4: Zero halogen low smoke and flame retardant cables for communication networks. This is the first part of TB/T 1484. This part is drafted according to rules given in GB/T1.1—2009. This part and Part 2 together replace TB/T1484.1—2001 Technical specification for the order of electric cables for railway vehicles - part 1: insulation cables up to 3 kV. Compared with TB/T1484.1—2001, major changes are as follows: - TB/T1484.1—2001 Technical specification for the order of electric cables for railway vehicles - part 1: insulation cables up to 3 kV is revised as Part 1: Standard wall insulation cables up to AC 3 kV and Part 2: Thin walled insulated cable; - Group C has been added into wo


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