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管理经济学 陶志刚 Strategies and Organizations 组织架构与公司战略定位 The field of business strategy is to explain sustained differences in the performance of firms that compete with one another in delivering products and in developing the ability to do so more effectively over time. 在激烈竞争的市场中,企业如何获得并保持高于竞争对手的盈利 Average Economic Profits of U.S. Industry Groups, 1978-1996 1978至1996年美国各行业平均经济利润率 The “Five Forces” Framework for Industry Analysis “五种竞争力量”的行业分析框架 Average Economic Profits of Individual Firms in the Steel Industry, 1978 –1996 1978至1996年美国钢铁行业中各企业的平均利润率 Average Economic Profits of Individual Firms in the Drug Industry, 1978 -1996 1978至1996年美国制药行业中各企业的平均利润率 Competitive Advantages 竞争优势 How to achieve competitive advantages? 如何获得竞争优势 A firm obtains cost advantage (or achieves product differentiation) through efficient organization of activities involving units within the firm, suppliers, customers, and even competitors. 有效地组织生产,包括与公司内各部门、供应商、客户及竞争对手的关系,是竞争优势的来源 Three examples 三个例子 Airbus v. Boeing 空中客车 对 波音 Toyota v. GM 丰田 对 通用汽车 McDonald’s 麦当劳 Two approaches for organizing production activities 两种组织生产的方式 the organizational approach and the contractual approach 自造及外包 What are the tradeoffs between the organizational approach compared with the contractual approach? 两种方法的比较 Organizations and business strategies 组织形式和竞争优势的关系 Make – production differentiation 自造 – 差异化道路 Buy – cost advantage 外包 – 低成本优势 Holdup 套牢 Conflict of interest 利益冲突 Contractual incompleteness 不完全合同 Relationship-specific investment 专用投资 Renegotiation 重新谈判 Resolving Holdup 如何避免被套牢 avoid specific investments 避免专用投资 write more detailed contracts 合同要具体详细 Moral Hazard 激励问题 conflict of interest 利益冲突 asymmetric information about effort 不了解具体努力程度 Resolving Moral Hazard 如何解决激励问题 incentive scheme 激励机制 conditional payment 有条件的付款 Quota 指标 monitoring system 监督系统 Incentive vs Risk 激励对风险 Efficient scheme balances 有效的激励计划会平衡: ben



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