泰坦之战 与希腊神话.pptxVIP

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泰坦之战 与希腊神话;The film begins with the story of the Titans. The Titans were finally defeated by their sons Zeus, Poseidon and Hades, when Zeus convinced Hades to create a monstrous creature, the Kraken (made from Hades flesh). Zeus became ruler of the heavens, Poseidon became king of the seas, and Hades (tricked by Zeus) was left to rule the Underworld. Zeus created humankind, and in time, humankind began to question the gods.;A millennium later, a fisherman named Spyros finds a coffin in the sea. A baby and his dead mother are in it. Spyros adopts the boy (whom he names Perseus) and raises him as his own son. Years later, the now adult Perseus is aboard a small fishing boat with his family.;When they witness a group of soldiers from Argos destroying a massive statue of Zeus, as a declaration of war against the gods. Hades appears in the form of a flock of demons and massacres the soldiers. After Hades has achieved victory, he destroys the fishing boat as well, drowning Perseus family.;The Incredible Hulk director Louis Leterrier movie;Date of Birth:17 June 1973, Paris, France His father is French director Fran?ois Leterrier. ;Liam Neeson in Clash of the Titans movie as Zeus;Ralph Fiennes in Clash of the Titans Hades is the Greco-Roman God of Hell and the Dead. In the Disney animated movie Hercules ;纳塔利·沃佳诺娃 之 美杜莎;克拉肯(Kraken)   克拉肯是《诸神之战》中虚构的一个怪物,而它的来源也并非是希腊神话,而是北欧神话。   北欧神话中,克拉肯身躯巨大宛如小岛,不仅能用触手造成巨大的破坏,还可以制造漩涡,是渔民心中的噩梦。 ;Perseus 希臘神話的英雄柏修斯 ;son of Danae和Zeus ;Zeus 化成shower of gold ?探望Danae ?Danae怀孕!! (怀了Perseus) ;Dad? Acrisius 发现Danae怀孕 ?把母子锁进木箱逐出海 ?被漁夫Dictys救起 ?到了Seriphus;Andromeda ;Perseus 和 Andromeda;神喻came true;王族星座;?Perseus; Adromeda?;? Cassiopeia; Cepheus? 仙王座;?Pegasus 飞马座;鯨魚座 Cetus;旧神谱 最初宇宙最老的神是混沌之神卡俄斯(Χ?ο?,即“混沌”);卡俄斯生出了大地之母盖亚(Γα?α,大地)、爱欲之神厄罗斯(?ρω?,爱)和深渊之神塔耳塔洛斯(Τ?ρταρο?,深渊、地狱)。接着在大地底层出现了黑暗之神厄瑞玻斯(?ρεβο?,黑暗)与黑夜女??倪克斯(Ν?ξ,夜);两者结合生出“光明”与“白昼”。盖亚又生出了天空之父乌拉诺斯(Ουραν??,天空)和海洋之神俄刻阿诺斯(Ωκεαν??,海洋)。盖亚与她的儿子乌拉诺斯结合,生下了十二个泰坦巨神(Τιτ?νε?)及三个独眼巨人(Κ?κλωψ)和三个百臂巨人……。;新神谱 诸神都居于奥


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