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第36 卷 第 11 期 国港湾建设 Vol. 36 No.11 2016 年11 月 China Harbour Engineering Nov. 2016 带拱形效应的板桩围堰设计及施工工艺 杨志刚,刘宁波,胡义新,曹勤涛 中交第二航务工程 有限公司第六工程分公司,湖北 武汉 430014 ) 要:九龙江特大桥主2 号墩承台为八边形,位于潮涨快、潮差大水域,施工存在很大风险。为解决承台施工难 题,通过方案比选,设计了一种带拱形效应的圆端形钢板桩围堰,总结了该板桩围堰的结构优点和施工要点,验证 了该板桩围堰设计方法的经济合理性和结构安全性,满足异形承台快速施工的要求。 关键词:拱形效应;圆端形;钢板桩围堰 中图分类号:U655.541 文献标志码:A 文章编号:2095-7874 2016)11-0025-05 doi :10.7640/zggwj s201611006 Design and construction of the sheet pile cofferdam with arch effect YANG Zhi-gang, LIU Ning-bo, HU Yi-xin, CAO Qin-tao No.6 Engineering Branch Company of CCCC Second Harbour Engineering Co., Ltd., Wuhan, Hubei 430014, China ) Abstract As for the No.2 main pier bearing platform of Jiulong River Bridge, it is in the form of octagon and located at the area with fast rising tide and large tide scope, thus producing large potential risks in the construction. To solve the construction problems of the bearing platform, we compared some schemes, then designed round end type steel sheet pile cofferdam with arch, summarized the structure advantages and construction points for sheet pile cofferdam structure, and verified the economic rationality of the design method, which can meet the requirements of rapid construction for special-shaped bearing platforms. Key words arch effect; rounded shape; steel sheet-pile cofferdam , , , 在桥梁钢板桩围堰施工领域 围堰形状最常 面索 主跨为准单索面。桥塔为独柱式斜塔 桥 见的为圆形和多边形,一般情况下根据施工条件 面以上塔柱轴线向边跨侧倾斜 8毅,桥面以上塔高 和要求来选择具体的形状。在钢板桩圆形围堰中, 117 m,斜拉桥结构体系见图1。 , , 其内部需要设置很强的围檩系统 施工存在较大 主2


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