
MHD Stagnation-Point Flow towards a Stretching SheetMHDwith Prescribed Surface Heat Flux驻点流向拉伸薄板 规定要求的表面热流.pdf

MHD Stagnation-Point Flow towards a Stretching SheetMHDwith Prescribed Surface Heat Flux驻点流向拉伸薄板 规定要求的表面热流.pdf

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Sains Malaysiana 40(10)(2011): 1193–1199 MHD Stagnation-Point Flow towards a Stretching Sheet with Prescribed Surface Heat Flux (Aliran Titik Genangan MHD terhadap Helaian Meregang dengan Fluks Haba Permukaan Ditetapkan) ANUAR ISHAK*, ROSLINDA NAZAR, NORIHAN M. ARIFIN, FADZILAH M. ALI IOAN POP ABSTRACT The steady two-dimensional stagnation point flow of an incompressible viscous and electrically conducting fluid, subject to a transverse uniform magnetic field, towards a stretching sheet is investigated. The governing system of partial differential equations are transformed to ordinary differential equations, which are then solved numerically using a finite difference scheme known as the Keller-box method. The effects of the governing parameters on the flow field and heat transfer characteristics are obtained and discussed. It is found that the heat transfer rate at the surface increases with the magnetic parameter when the free stream velocity exceeds the stretching velocity, i.e. ε1, and the opposite is observed when ε1. Keywords: Heat transfer; magnetohydrodynamic; stagnation point flow; stretching surface ABSTRAK Aliran titik genangan mantap dua matra bagi bendalir likat tak termampatkan dan pengkonduksi elektrik terhadap helaian meregang tertakluk kepada medan magnet melintang seragam diselidik. Sistem menakluk persamaan pembezaan separa dijelmakan kepada persamaan pembezaan biasa, yang kemudiannya diselesaikan secara berangka menggunakan skim beza terhingga dikenali sebagai kaedah kotak Keller. Kesan parameter-parameter menakluk terhadap medan aliran dan ciri-ciri pemindahan


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