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  2018 中国汽车工程学会年会论文集 2018SAECCE ̄IEE052 773 某量产 TMPI汽油机降油耗技术研究 庹汉郧ꎬ 徐子阳ꎬ 陈龙ꎬ 李佰奇ꎬ 严冬ꎬ 周洪光ꎬ 任晓川ꎬ 刘伟ꎬ 佘蒙蒙 东风汽车公司技术中心 【摘要】  在一款14TMPI 的量产汽油机上进行了降油耗技术研究ꎬ 技术方案有增加排气VVT、 提高压缩比、 提高滚流 比、 弱阿特金森循环、 降摩擦等ꎮ 通过对该成品发动机搭载某车型的NEDC循环和WLTC循环进行权重分析ꎬ 精准选择特征 工况点后ꎬ 在工况点进行了全维优化标定ꎮ 在特征点保证排放不恶化的前提下ꎬ 油耗显著降低ꎬ 同时低速动力略有提升ꎮ 其 中ꎬ 发动机在转速2000rpmꎬ 负荷2bar 的降油耗率达到10%ꎬ 低速动力在1600rpm提升5%ꎬ 整车仿真结果降油耗率可以达到 4%ꎮ 本文对降油耗及动力提升的原理进行了分析ꎬ 并对应用该技术方案中遇到的问题进行了总结ꎬ 提出了进一步优化的可能ꎮ 【关键词】  量产ꎬ 汽油机ꎬ 降油耗ꎬ 特征工况 Research on Fuel Consumption Reduction Technology for a Mass Production TMPI Gasoline Engine TUO Hanyunꎬ XU Ziyangꎬ CHEN Longꎬ LI Baiqiꎬ YAN Dongꎬ ZHOU Hongguangꎬ REN Xiaochuanꎬ LIU Weiꎬ SHE Mengmeng Dongfeng Motor Corperation Technical Center     Abstract: Thefuelconsumptionreductiontechnologywasstudiedina 14TMPImassproductiongasolineengineThetechnical so ̄ lution includes adding exhaust VVTꎬ weak Atkinson cycleꎬ increasing compression ratioꎬ increasing tumble ratioꎬ and reducing fric ̄ tionBy analyzing the NEDC cycleandtheWLTCcycleof acertainvehicleequippedwiththeengineꎬ thecharacteristicoperatingpoints were exactly selected and optimization calibration is performed at the operating pointsAt the characteristic operating pointsꎬ the fuel consumption isreducedwithoutemissionsdeteriorationꎬ andthelow ̄speedpowerisslightly improvedThereductionoffuelconsumption reaches 10% at2000rpm&2barꎬ low speedpowerincreasedby5% at 1600rpmꎬ thereductionoffuelconsumptioncanreach4% inve ̄ hicle simulationThis paper also analyzed the reason for fuel consumption reduction and power boostingꎬ summarized the problems en ̄ countered in the technical solutionꎬ and proposed the possibilitiesfor further optimization. Key words: mass productionꎬ gasoline engineꎬ fuel consumption reductionꎬ characteristic operating po


Huangnidao + 关注


