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The facilitator identifies the key differences between the way most of PAI sales currently interview vs. the new model. One of the key differences that the sales manager should prefer, is the addition of job skill (technical/functional) competency questions in additional to leadership competency questions. These questions can help the interviewer determine if the sales candidate can make enterprise level calls for example. The facilitator identifies the key differences between the way most of PAI sales currently interview vs. the new model. One of the key differences that the sales manager should prefer, is the addition of job skill (technical/functional) competency questions in additional to leadership competency questions. These questions can help the interviewer determine if the sales candidate can make enterprise level calls for example. There are five basic leadership competencies that the Office of the Chair has determined are competencies that all Dell managers and key roles should have. For this reason, staffing knows to screen candidates for these competencies beginning with their initial contact with a candidate. Interviewing managers also have the option to asked competency based questions in these areas, especially in the functional/technical area. HANDOUT Provide the participants with the Leadership Skills handout for their review. Explain that the handout contains definitions for the 5 prescreen competencies and 9 Dell Leadership competencies. You will not have time to go into detail regarding these competencies. Transition For your next interview, you will work with staffing who will provide you with and interview kit for the next sales position you are interviewing for. Introduce the STAR concept as a way to better understand the candidates response to a competency based question. Explain what each element of STAR means. Transition Let’s look at an example, and how you would use STAR in an interview situation. Walk
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