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Grammar Verb-ed form People have always been _________ (interesting/ interested) in finding out about world records. 2. Jack went to visit the two brothers and found that their knowledge was ________ (amazing/amazed). Choose the correct answer. interested amazing 3. After being told several times, Mr. Smith still felt _______ (puzzled/ puzzling). 4. The film “Pearl Harbor” is really ________(exciting/excited). 5. His response to the question was quite ____________(disappointed/ disappointing). puzzled exciting disappointing 1.These are babies who are cloned. ?They are_________ (clone) babies. 2.Those are cows which are cloned. ?Those are______ (clone) cows. cloned cloned A verb-ed form can be used as an attribute:( passive meaning) 1.Japan is a country that has developed. ?Japan is a ___________ country. developed 2.He is a teacher who has retired. ?He is a _______teacher. retired A verb-ed form can be used as an attribute:( past meaning) fallen leaves a sunken ship the risen sun the locked door boiled water the painted desk 1.This is a China knot that is made by hand. ?This is a ____________ China knot. handmade 2.Ethiopia is a country that is underdeveloped. ?Ethiopia is an ______________ country underdeveloped A verb-ed can be part of a compound with an adv. or n. before it. The verb-ed form can be part of a compound with an adverb or a noun before it. eg. a well-paid job a so-called professor homemade pizza a well-accepted idea Now translate the following examples into English. 一位受人尊敬的教授 高度发达的国家 a respected professor a highly-developed country 受过良好教育的人 训练有素的队伍 手工制作的家具 欠发达地区 衣着华丽的妇女 失去的时间 一个被打败的足球队 a well-educated person a well-trained team handmade furniture underdevel


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