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甲方: (以下简称甲方) Party A: (Hereinafter referred to as Party A) 乙方: (以下简称乙方) Party B: ( Hereinafter referred to as Party B) 甲方委托乙方承担 ___大桥工程的施工建设工程。双方经协商并结合本工程的具体 情况,签订本合同,共同遵守。 Party A commission party B to undertake the construction of ___ Bridge project for which parties hereto, through negotiation and in accordance with the particulars of this project, conclude and enter into this contract for common abidance. 第一部分 工程项目简介 Part One Project Overview 1 工程名称: Project Name 2 工程地点: Project Place 3 工作内容: Work Contents 第二部分 承包方式、承包工作内容、承包总价、进度支付、最终结算支付方式、工期 要求 Part Two Contracting Means, Works Contents, Total Price, Progress Payments, Final Settlement, Project Period 1 承包方式: Contracting Means 双方确定承包方式为包工包料,固定总价(除工程量增加或减少;其他不作调整)。 Contracting means is confirmed by parties hereto as contract for labor and materials, fixed price, no adjustment of price except to the increase or decrease of engineering amount. 2 承包工作内容: Contracted Contents 乙方按照甲方确认的施工图及甲方提出的施工要求进行基础、桥梁、引桥及人行梯道 等的制作、安装施工。具体包括:钻孔灌注桩基础,墩台帽、耳背墙及挡块、支座垫 石及橡胶支座安装,预制砼板及架设,板梁铰缝,桥面铺装,护栏,桥梁伸缩缝,桥 头搭板,锥坡防护,人行道镶贴面层等全部工作。 Party B should pursuant to the drawings which are confirmed by and the construction requirement provided by party A, process the execution of manufacture and installation of foundation, bridge, bridge approach and pedestrian stairway, particulars thereof include all works concerned bored pile foundation, pier caps, ear and retaining wall blocks, stone and rubber bearings supporting seat installation and erection of prefabricated concrete panels, plate girder hinge joints, pavement, guardrails, bridge expansion joints, bridge boards, slope protection, sidewalk veneered surface layer, and other works.. 3 承包总价: Total Price 承包总价:固定总价 美元,其中税金一项不含在总价中由甲方缴纳。除工程量变更 签证外,总价不作调整。签订合同签乙方必须提供 470 万美元的工程量清单报价一份, 作为合同附件。无预付款。 Contracted Price: Fixed price is US Dollars, among which taxe


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