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Page | PAGE 1 INTERNSHIP REPORT On Six Week Training At SILK Bank Ltd. Karachi, Pakistan. Submitted By: Syed Ali Ameer Internee B.Com, PIPFA Finalist, CA Intermediate Submitted To: Saleem Ahmed Siddiqui Branch Manager SILK Bank Hyderi Branch (0022) Submitted On: 5th May, 2014 PREFACE Internship is the integral and basic requirement of all the business study programs. Because it is the practical implication of the theoretical knowledge which we have taught in our business Subjects to gain further knowledge and experience about professional business activities. It Equips us with the necessary knowledge, skills and values of business culture which are basic Requirement of the business professional and which also helps new graduates to perform Professionally as they get first step in their practical professional life. For this reason I was placed at Silk Bank Limited Hyderi Branch (0022) Karachi Where I have done my six weeks internship. During my internship tenure I have gained a lot of Knowledge about Banking Operations under the supervision and guidance of my Internship Supervisors. During my whole duration I was rotated in all the different Areas of the branch and was thoroughly briefed about the procedures of all the banking operations by the concerned staff. My internship report contains all the knowledge which I have learnt there. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT All praises are for Allah Almighty that has bestowed upon human being the crown of creation and has endowed him with knowledge and wisdom. After Allah, the last Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) Who brought for us revelation and unlimited knowledge and civilized the barbarian human being. I am very thank full to Allah Almighty who gave me the courage to complete this complex task and to my ever caring and loving parents whose prayers helped me to reach this stage of my life. Besides, there are many people who supported me in formulation of this report and without the support of them I could never be able to complete this


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