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.. word教育资料 大学生婚恋的法律思考 【摘 要】婚姻关系是维系人类社会发展的最基础的社会关系。进入现代文明社会后,婚姻关系被纳入法律规范制度调整的范畴中。合理的法律规范会带给婚姻关系积极的作用,进而维护整个社会系统的健康运转,反之则增加了社会的不稳定性。基于婚姻关系的客观存在性,法律有时会出现调整的盲区,导致很多社会关系游离于法律之外,基于此,本文研究大学生婚恋的相关法律纠纷出现主要依据的法律现状思考。在2005 年《普通高等学校学生管理规定》的出台,解除了大学生在校结婚要做退学处理的规定,这从制度层面放开了对在校大学生结婚的限制,也把高校大学生婚恋这一话题再次推向前台,引发了教育界、学术界、大学生群体以及社会公众的广泛关注。另外,大学生婚恋现状令人堪忧。大学生性观念更加开放、婚前性行为数量激增、由不当婚恋或性无知导致的悲剧事件时有发生,大学生婚恋法律的空缺,这都凸显出大学生婚恋问题的严峻性,由此引发的高校教育、管理问题也呈趋增之势。 【关键词】大学生;婚恋;法律 Abstract: The marriage relationship is the most basic social relationship of the development of human society. After entering the modern civilized society, marriage is law system to adjust the scope of. The right laws will bring positive effect of marital relationship, and maintain the healthy operation of the whole social system, whereas the increase of social instability. The objective existence of marriage laws based on, sometimes will appear the blind area, lead to many social relationships outside the law, based on this, thinking about the legal status of this paper related legal disputes appear mainly on the basis of students love and marriage. In 2005, ordinary college student management regulations promulgated, the lifting of the college students get married to do the provisions of quitting school, it from the system level released on college students marriage restrictions, also put the topic of College Students love and marriage once again pushed to the front, caused the educational circles, academia, groups of college students and the general public wide attention. In addition, college students love and marriage situation is worrying. The concept of college students is more open, the number of premarital sex, love and marriage of surge by improper or ignorance of tragic incidents have occurred from time to time, students love and marriage law vacancy, which are convex stern show students love and marriage problem, higher education, management problems caused by the increasing trend is also. Keyword: College stude


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