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攀枝花学院专科毕业论文(设计) 摘要 PAGE PAGE 35 摘 要 本次毕业设计是《基于pro/e实现发动机的仿真和分析》,其中最主要部分当然是软件Pro/ENGINEER的造型和装配应用。 随着社会的需要和科学技术的快速发展,产品的竞争愈来愈激烈,CAD技术的广泛应用,给传统产品设计行业、产品结构,产业结构带来深刻的变化。科技水平的不断发展,也使社会生产力得到了空前的进步对社会进步发挥着巨大的推进作用。 本设计从实际出发,系统地介绍了基于PRO/E的基础应用,功能指令应用。通过详细的过程说明及大量的图片说明,在编写方式上强调通俗易懂,由浅入深,并力求全面,系统和重点突出。通过本次毕业设计让我清楚明白地了解PRO/E的产品设计功能和过程。 由于论文编写顺序是按实际工作中进行,先从Pro/ENGINEER软件的介绍再进行零件设计相关工作。通过绪论我们可以了解到PRO/E在社会生产行业中的发展状况及其重要性,从中我们从一个新的角度了解生产的需要和未来的发展方向,让我们跟上生产的步履,也提醒我们要做到老学到老以及这次论文的目的和方向。 因本人水平有限,设计中难免存在缺点和错误,恳请各位老师批评指正。 关键词:发动机活塞,运动仿真,合理性,可靠性。 ABSTRACT The graduation project is based on pro / e to achieve the engines simulation and analysis, which of course is part of the software Pro / ENGINEER modeling and assembly applications. As the needs of society and science and technology of rapid development, more and more intense competition in product, people who study the growing product design, while those who really master the technology the minority. Extensive use of CAD technology to the traditional product design industry, product mix, Industrial structure brought about profound changes. the continuous development of scientific and technological level, but also the social productive forces of the unprecedented progress on social progress playing a role in pushing forward. This design from reality, the system introduced on PRO / E based applications, features instruction application. Through the detailed process descriptions and numerous photographs show that stress in the preparation of easy to understand way, implemented progressively and seeks a comprehensive, systematic and focused. Graduation by this let me clear understanding of the PRO / E product design features and processes. As the paper prepared by the order of the actual work carried out, starting with Pro / ENGINEER software introduces further part design related work. We can learn through the introduction PRO / E in the social p



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