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大连海事大学 毕 业 论 文 二○一一 年 十 月 发电柴油机排烟温度过高故障判断与消除 专业班级:轮机管理2007级16班 姓 名: 指导教师:         轮机工程学院 摘要 对同一台柴油机而言, 排气温度的高低在一定程度上反映了缸内负荷的大小与燃烧质量的好坏。柴油机排气温度。不但标志热负荷过高, 而且还会引起经济性和可靠性下降因此, 排气温度通常用来衡量柴油机热负荷的大小, 是柴油机运行管理中须重点监测参数, 也是柴油机性能分析的重要依据。 船舶柴油机排气温度过高影响柴油机的正常工作, 如造成排气管变形破裂漏气, 成为火灾的隐患;破坏润滑油膜, 加剧发动机活塞与气缸的磨损;同时造成机舱环境污染, 影响工作人员的正常工作。 为了保证柴油机的可靠运转, 排气温度的数值不应该超出说明书的规定值, 并且各缸的排气温度应该基本保持一致。 首先本文介绍了影响排烟温度的一些基础理论知识。然后利用故障排除法,分析排查故障原因,最终副机修复后使其功率得到了一定的提高。 关键词:柴油机; 排气温度; 热负荷; 燃烧质量; 影响因素 Abstract To the same engine, the temperature of the exhaust, to some extent, reflects the load of the cylinder and the quality of combustion. If the exhaust temperature is too high, not only it reflects the thermal load is too high, but also leads to the decrease of the economic efficiency and reliability. Therefore, the temperature of exhaust is usually used to measure the thermal load of the diesel engine. And it should be monitored darning the management of diesel engine. And it is also an important basis for analysis of the diesel engine performance. Too high of the exhaust temperature can impact the normal operation of the diesel engine. For example, it may lead to the deformation and fracture of the exhaust pipe, hazard of a fore, destruction of the lube oil film, increase the wear of the piston and the cylinder, and at the same time cause the pollution of the engine room, and make a influence for the workman. In order to ensure reliable operation of the engine, exhaust temperature should not exceed the value of the specified value specification, and the exhaust temperature of each cylinder should remain basically the same. First, it introduces some theoretical knowledge, than the factors of failure for diesel generator were found with a method of eliminating failure. In the last, the power of the diesel generator repaired was upgraded so much. Keywords: diesel engine, exhaust temperature, thermal load, combustion quality, 目录 HYPERLINK 前言 1 HYPE


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