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. PAGE . . . . . . . 编号XXXXXX 毕 业 论 文 ( XXXX届本科) 题 目: 某工厂60KV总降压变电站设计 系(部) 院: XXXXXXXXXX 专 业: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 作 者 姓 名: XXXXXXXXXX 指 导 教 师: XXXXXXXX 职 称: XXXXX 完 成 日 期: XXXX 年 X 月 XX 日 二○XX年 XX 月 摘 要 变电站是电力系统的一个重要组成部分,由电器设备及配电网络按一定的接线方式所构成,他从电力系统取得电能,通过其变换、分配、输送与保护等功能,然后将电能安全、可靠、经济的输送到每一个用电设备的转设场所。作为电能传输与控制的枢纽,变电站必须改变传统的设计和控制模式,才能适应现代电力系统、现代化工业生产和社会生活的发展趋势。随着计算机技术、现代通讯和网络技术的发展,为目前变电站的监视、控制、保护和计量装置及系统分隔的状态提供了优化组合和系统集成的技术基础。 60KV变电站属于高压网络,某工厂总降压变电所所涉及方面多,考虑问题多,进行变压器的选择,从而确定变电站的主接线方式,再进行短路电流计算,选择送配电网络及导线,进行短路电流计算,选择变电站高低压电气设备。总降压变电所的初步设计包括了:(1)总体方案的确定;(2)负荷分析;(3)短路电流的计算;(4)高低压配电系统设计;(5)变电站综合自动化及继电保护设计;(6)防雷与接地保护等内容。 关键词:总降压 负荷分析 输电系统 配电系统 变电站综合自动化 Abstract An electricity substation important component of the system, and the distribution network by the Dianqishebei some connection Fang Shi Suo An constituted, he Qudedianneng from the power system, through its transformation, distribution, transportation and protection Gongneng, Ranhou the energy Anquan, Kekao and economic power delivered to each set of equipment to switch places. As the hub of power transmission and control, substation design and must change the traditional control model to adapt to the modern power system, modernization of industrial production and social life trends. With computer technology, modern communication and network technology, the current substation monitoring, control, protection and metering equipment and systems provided optimal separation of the state of combination and system integration technology base. 60KV high voltage substations belong to the network, a general step-down substation plant in more involved, consider the issues than the choice of transformer to determine the main substation wiring, further short-circuit current calculation, select the Transmission and Distribution network and cable, to shor


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