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. . . . 服装衣袖在服装设计中的影响 摘要:进入21世纪,随着社会经济文化的不断发展,人们对服装的利用已不仅仅是驱寒保暖和遮羞,在选购服装时顾客不仅要求服装能体现个性化特征、与潮流时尚元素完美结合,而且对其美观舒适性的要求也越来越高.由于人体是一个比较复杂的曲面体,其静态及动态的形态,直接影响服装结构。袖子是服装的一个重要组成部分,也是服装设计的一个重点。人体的手臂是人们工作、运动等日常活动最常使用的肢体,当手臂活动时,包裹手臂的袖子直接牵动着身体,使袖子、衣身的造型发生改变。袖的结构设计既要注意其时尚造型,又得讲究其实用功能,并考虑其运动舒适。袖子在整体服装中具有举足轻重的地位。 设计师在完成一件服装时,要使袖子达到美观与功能舒适的完美结合需考虑多方面的因素。另外,服装造型与运动功能性常常存在一定的矛盾。因此,衣袖的结构设计不仅要考虑到袖子乃至整体服装的外观造型美观,使衣袖对整体服装起到装饰作用外,还必须满足手臂在不同动作状态下的运动舒适性。 关键词:衣袖分类、衣袖结构、人体手臂、袖身关系、袖山造型、袖型设计、衣袖内在功能、造型设计 Abstract: Entering the 21st century, with the social, economic and cultural development, peoples use of clothing and modesty are not only keep warm, in the purchase of clothing when the clothing requirements of the customer not only can reflect the individual characteristics, and elements of the perfect fashion trendscombination of beauty and comfort of their demands have become more sophisticated. As the human body is a complex body surface, the static and dynamic shape, directly affect the garment structure.Sleeve is an important part of clothing, costume design is also a focus.Human arm is that people work, sports and other daily activities of the body most frequently used, when the arm events, the sleeve of the arm wrapped directly affects the body, the sleeves, clothing and body shape change.Structural design of the sleeve it is necessary to pay attention to their fashion style, but also have to pay attention to fact, with features, and to consider its motion comfort.In the overall garment sleeve has a pivotal position. When the completion of a clothing designer, to make the sleeves to achieve aesthetic and functional combination of comfort many factors to be considered.In addition, functional clothing shape and movement often there is a certain contradiction.Therefore, the structural design of sleeve to take into account not only the overall garment sleeve and even the appearance of beautiful shape, so that the whole garment sleeves to play a decora


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