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. PAGE . . . Module 1 Unit 1 I want a hot dog, please. 教材分析: 本课的故事是在美国的Daming 和他的美国表兄Simon跟随Simons dad 去一家快餐店就餐的经过。需要学生掌握的语言功能是如何在快餐店点餐:“What do you want? I want a hot dog, please.”及如何询问价钱:“How much is it? Its thirteen dollars and twenty-five cents.”本课的内容贴近学生的生活实际,有利于培养学生在真实的语言情景中运用英语进行交际的能力。 设计理念: “课程是知识,也是经验,还是活动,是体验,更是语言的载体。”根据本课的特点,我采用了“创设真实语境和小组合作学习的教学法,通过大量的食物卡片及实物和多媒体课件来呈现课文内容,循序渐进激发学生的学习兴趣,通过大量的活动及游戏来操练、巩固及运用所学知识,让学生在体验中成长,在快乐中学习,最终达到运用语言的目的。 一、教学目标 1.知识目标: 1、能听懂、会读、会说、会写本单元的单词:hamburger??\cola??\hot?dog\??cent??\dollar 2、能听懂会说: What?do?you?want?to?eat?\drink? I?want?to… How?much?is?it? It’s…”等句子。 3、能正确、流利地进行情境对话。 2.能力目标: 能用英语来表达如何点餐及询问价钱。 3.情感目标: 激发学生的学习热情,了解中西方的饮食文化异同,并进行文明礼仪教育。 二、教学重难点: 中西方在价格表达上的异同(1美元=100美分) 三、教学用具: Tape recorder, CAI, some food 四、教学准备: 课前调查班级中去过西餐快餐店的同学有哪些,他们都了解哪些快餐。 五、教学过程: Warm up Greetings Free talk Game: Do as I say, not as I do. Presentation Show some pictures of food to the students. Stick them on the board after read. Then the teacher touches the stomach and says: “I’m hungry and thirsty and thirsty, now. I want some noodles cake /cola/hamburger…”and write the new words on the board. Talk T: I want a hot dog .Are you hungry? What do you want? S: I’m hungry, too. I want … Then do this activity in pairs. New Teaching 1. (Talk) T: Now, we are all hungry .Let’s go to a fast food restaurant. Ss: That’s great! 2. Now, look at the screen and look at these questions, then answer. (播放CAI,生动直观呈现课文内容,理解后回答以下问题,培养学生分析问题,解决问题的能力,同时渗透学法) a. Where are Daming, Simon and Simon’s dad? b. Is a hot dog really a dog? c. What does Simon want to eat? e. What does Simon’s dad want to eat? f. How much is the meal? 3. Study in their groups. Find out new words and sentences, and then write them on the board. Explain “dollar and cent”. “1 dollar is 100 cents.” Practise them with your partner. Answer those questions. Practice 1. Now let’s make a fast food restaurant .You can buy something th


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