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3.可数名词和不可数名词都可以用单位+of+名词表达量,但单位后面的可数名词用复数,不可数名词形式不变 *a bag of apples *a piece of paper *three glasses of orange 注意:有些可数名词或不可数名词在一定情况下可相互转化,同一个词,但意思不同 glass(玻璃)– a glass(玻璃杯) work(工作) – a work(著作) time(时间) – times(次数) 1. Please give me ______ paper.? A. one B. a pieces C. a piece D. a piece of 2. This table is made of_______. A. many glass B. some glasses C. glasses D. glass 3. —What can I do for you, sir? —Id like two_________. A.bottle of milk B.bottles of milks C.bottles of milk D.bottle of milks 4. We can do the work better with______money and ________ people. A. less, fewer B. fewer, less C. little, little D. few, few D D C A 四.名词所有格: 表示名词间的所有关系“ …的” 一.有生命的名词所有格的构成方法 1.一般情况下,在名词后加“’s” Kangkang’s father Lucy’s book 2.以s结尾的复数名词,则在s后加“ ’”即可 Teachers’ office The Greens’ house 3.不以s结尾的复数名词的所有格,仍按惯例加“’s” * Children’ s Day * men’ s shoes 4. 表示时间,距离,路程,国家等无生命的事物名词的所有关系 今天的报纸 today ’ s newspaper 十分钟的路 ten minute s ’ walk 世界的人口 the world ’ s population 注意:当名词的定语较长时,在有生命的名词后也可以用OF 二 1)无生命的事物名词所有关系用 of加名词,构成所属关系的短语。 *the color of the wall * a map of China *a picture of the classroom 1. June 1st is ____Day. All the Children enjoy it very much. A. Children B. Childrens’ C. Children’s D. Child 2. The two bedroom are the ____. A. twins B. twin’s C .twins’ D. twins C C 重难点突破 小组讨论以下练习的答案并说明其原因 Our hospital needs two___doctors, Mrs. Li. You can ask your son to have a try. A. women B. man C.woman D. men D ★名词的用法 1.修饰另一名词时,一般用单数 * There are three banana trees over there. 2. man woman用做定语时,应与后面的名词保持数的一致 *We need a man teacher. *They are all women workers. 3.sports,clothes做定语时,仍用复数形式 *a sports star *a clothes shop 2. This pai



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