ABB_ 800xA _自定义用户功能块和面板.doc

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FILENAME Exercise_6.3 _optional.docD SUBJECT System 800xA Training PAGE 52 PAGE 51 FILENAME Exercise_6.3 _optional.doc PAGE 2 / NUMPAGES 52 Creating a Faceplate for the User_defined Function Block(Optional) Description We are going create a solution with a block, called myTank_FB,. It will have the following characteristics. A variable called TankLevel, which represents the level in the Tank A variable FlowSpeed, which sets the speed of filling A variable called OnOff which starts/stops the filling of the Tank A parameter MaxAlarm which sets the level for a HH Alarm A parameter MinAlarm which sets the level for a LL Alarm We would like to have the following aspects connected to the myTank_FB Graphical Element showing the Tank, the name, the alarm limits and the Level A Faceplate for control of the Tank Trend Display showing the Level A history log logging the Level An Alarm and Event list showing the Tank Alarms Solution Steps Process Portal A and Control Builder is an an integrated DCS System. This means that you only need to engineering they system once. All objects that you create in the Control Builder will automatically appear in Process Portal and vice versa. Start Plant Explorer Start Plant Explorer and open navigate to the Control Stucture Open the Project in the Control Structure It may take a minute or two to open the Project. Create a new of Program Create a new Program and call it Exercise and assign a Task to the it. Process Portal gets confused if you have several applications with the same name. Be sure to select a unique name for your application. Attach it to a Task in the Controller Creation of your Library The next step is to create a library, so we can re-use the solution we create today in several projects. Create a Library called YourNameDemoLib, for example demoLib. Creation of myTank_FB In the library we should create a function block type called myTank_FB. Control Builder is part of the Industrial IT, which leads to th


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