大客户销售必备工具 销售漏斗管理.ppt

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* #1 Organizational Characteristics 组织特征 How is the a/c’s Performance (i.e., Sales growth, Profitability etc.)? 客户的业绩如何( 例如销售增长和效益等)? What’s their employment trend? Growing/declining in size? 他们的规模趋势如何?是扩充还是裁员? Have there been any recent mergers/acquisitions/re-ogs? 最近有新的举动吗,是合并、并购、还是重组? #2 Market Growth Position 市场定位 What’s this a/c’s primary market? 此客户的主要市场是什么? What’s the economic climate for their primary market? 现在其主要市场的情况如何,属于淡季还是旺季? What’s their overall competitive position in their primary market? 他们在主要市场中所处的竞争地位如何? What’s this a/c’s short-and long-term growth potential? 他们的长期和短期的增长潜力如何? #3 Solution Requirements 方案需求 How well can our solutions meet the a/c’s needs? 我们的解决方案是否能与客户需求匹配得很好? What does the a/c think about our solutions? 客户对我们的解决方案有何看法? Will we have to modify our products?一定要修改产品吗? What external res? Do we need to meet the a/c’s requirements? 有什么样的外部资源?我们有必要迎合客户的这些需求吗? #4 Strategic Market value 战略价值 What is the value of the a/c to us beyond the revenue? 除了营收,客户对我们还有什么价值? How does the a/c fit into our business plan? 此客户适应我们的商业发展计划吗? Can we leverage the a/c into revenue from other companies or markets. 我们能帮助客户从其他市场或竞争对手那里抢来营收吗? How will the a/c help us improve our products or services? 客户如何帮助我们改进产品和提升服务质量呢? A/C Profile 客户概况 * Opportunity Pipeline 机会储备 #5 Opportunities 机会 What opportunities within the a/c could cover within the next year? 明年可争取的客户的销售机会都有哪些? What’s the probability of these opportunities occurring? 这些机会发生的可能性大吗? What’s the value of these opportunities? 这些机会的价值所在? What is the projected profitability on this account’s opportunities? 这些机会的收益所在? #6 Solution Fit 解决方案 Why do they need us? 他们为什么需要我们 Do they feel the same way? 他们也这样想吗? How urgent is this need? 这有多紧迫? Do they have this same sense of urgency? 他们同样感到紧迫吗? #7 Competitive Advantage 竞争优势 Who are our major competitors? 我们的主要竞争对手是谁 What is the stat


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