Secret weapons and Crafty Warfare of the Ancients-全英文-古代的神秘武器和战争利器.pptxVIP

Secret weapons and Crafty Warfare of the Ancients-全英文-古代的神秘武器和战争利器.pptx

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Secret weapons and Crafty Warfare of the AncientsAncient TechniquesChemical warfare is not something new. Throughout ancient times different nations have experimented with potions and toxins to eradicate the opposition. Despite an aversion to using unfair, cruel tactics in ancient cultures evidence shows such weaponry was indeed used. The use of crafty tactics, secret weapons and at times ruthless warfare has a very ancient origin.Poison ArrowsPoison Arrows Used for thousands of years.Earliest example Late Stone Age, 10,000BCE. Used by the San, a hunter-gather society.Arrowheads made of bone and wood were tipped in poison such as snake venom, scorpion venom. They even had a slow acting poison from beetle larvae.They used these techniques for hunting animals.Ancient Greek ArchersArchers in some Mediterranean wars used arrows tipped with human blood, or animal excrement. This increased the likelihood of wounds becoming infected.Odysseus poisoned his arrow with Hellebore in Homer’s Odyssey.Heracles In the Greek story Heracles slays the centaur Nessus with poisoned arrows from the Lernaean HyrdaScythians of RussiaOn the Russian Steppes Scythians would paint their arrows in snakeskin patterns and dip them into vials of poison attached to their belts.Scythian archer shooting poison arrows at Greek hoplites. Left, running Scythian archer with bow, arrow, and quiver, about 500 BC.Remedy for Snake Venom ArrowsPliny the Elder in his Encyclopedic “Natural History” discusses a number of herbal and magical antidotes. Doctors would run onto the field of battle and suck the venom out of wounds. Or …Like the frieze illustrates the myth of the wounder heals” which originates in the story of Telephos, King of Mysia, who, in defending his land against invading Greeks. He was wounded in the thigh by Achilles. Since the wound refused to heal, Telephos consulted the oracle of Apollo, who uttered, or the wounder heals. Telephos sought out Achilles, and since the Greeks had received an


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