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希望对您有帮助,谢谢 鼓励孩子的英语谚语 导读:本文是关于鼓励孩子的英语谚语,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享!   1、人非圣贤,孰能无过。   A man is not a sage, but he can do nothing wrong.   2、谨慎和勤奋带来好运。   Care and diligence bring good luck.   3、竖起脊梁作事,放开眼光读书。   Stand up your backbone and read with your eyes open.   4、薄技在身,胜握千金。   Thin skill is better than gold.   5、学问之根苦,学问之果甜。   The root of learning is bitter, but the fruit of learning is sweet.   6、读一书,增一智。   Read a book and add wisdom.   7、黑发不知勤学早,白头方悔读书迟。   Black hair does not know how to study early, white head regrets to study late.   8、一寸光阴一寸金,寸金难买寸光阴。   An inch of time and an inch of gold make it difficult to buy an inch of time.   9、勤能补拙是良训,一分辛苦一分才。   Diligence is a good training, one minute of hard work, one minute of talent.   10、学到知羞处,才知艺不精。   Learn shame, talent and skill are not good.   11、人老心不老,身穷志不穷。   People are not old-hearted, and they are impoverished and ambitious.   12、莫道君行早,更有早行人。   Mo Daojun travels earlier than others.   13、边学边问,方有学问。   Learn as you learn, learn as you learn.   14、家富长读心莫变。家穷苦读两三春。   Family prosperity never changes in mind. My family is poor in two or three springs.   15、只要功夫深,铁杵磨成针。   As long as the work is deep, the pestle is ground into a needle.   16、学习,是人类的精神粮食。   Learning is the spiritual food of mankind.   17、牛不训不会耕,马不练不能骑。   Cattle cant plow without training, horses cant ride without training.   18、少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。   Young men do not work hard, but old men do not work hard.   19、与其博爱万物,不如精通一事。   Better master one thing than love all things.   20、学如逆水行舟,不进则退。   Learning is like sailing against the current; if you dont advance, you will retreat.   21、刀不磨要生锈,人不学要落后。   Knives must rust without grinding, and people should not lag behind.   22、学在苦中求,艺在勤中练。   Learn in pain, and practice in diligence.   23、木尺虽短,能量千丈。   The wooden ruler is short, but its energy is enormous.   24、吃饭不嚼不知味,读书不想不知意。   Eat without chewing, read without knowing.   25、鸟贵有翼,人贵有智。   Birds have wings, but men have wisdom.   26、要知天下事,须读古人书。   To know the world, we must re



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