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Chinese Academy of Engineering Chinese Academy of Engineering Chinese Academy of Engineering Chinese Academy of Engineering Chinese Academy of Engineering 中国核电的发展 Development of Nuclear Power in China 2019 年6 月 2 Chinese Academy of Engineering 目录 核电站热电联供 Nuclear Thermal Power Station 四代核电 Nuclear power G4 小堆研发 RD of SMR 3 Chinese Academy of Engineering 核能发电 Nuclear Power Generation Chinese Academy of Engineering 核电生产运行 Nuclear power operation 截止2019年4月我国在运机组45台,装机容量 4589.516万千瓦。 Until April 2019, China has 45 units in operation, with installed capacity 45.89 million kilowatts. 在役机组保持安全稳定运行,2018年未发生1级及以上的运行事件 (按 国际核事故分级表)。 All the units have maintained safe and stable operation, in 2018 there were no operation incidents of level 1 or above (according to the International Nuclear Accident Classification Table). 各运行机组放射性流出物的排放量远低于国家标准限值,环境空气吸收 剂量率控制在本底涨落水平。 Emissions of radioactive effluents from operating units are far below the national standard limits, and the absorbed dose rate of ambient air is controlled at the background fluctuation level. Chinese Academy of Engineering 在建核电机组Nuclear power units under construction 我国在建核电机组12台,总装机容量1278万千瓦,其中包括高温气冷 堆示范工程和钠冷快中子堆示范工程。 There are 12 nuclear power units under construction in China with a total installed capacity of 12.78 million kilowatts, including the demon


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