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be blind be unable to walk be deaf and be unable to speak be unable to use hands What can they do? What else can the dogs do for people? 阅读课文排序 bring/take/carry/fetch/get 这五个词都表示“取,拿,运送”之意,但动作的方向和具体含义不同。 (1)bring指把人或物从别处带到说话人所在的地方。 (2)take指把人或物从说话人所在的地方带到别处去。 (3)carry无方向性,含“负重”之意,一般指随身携带,如手提、肩扛等。 (4)fetch指从说话者所在的地方到别处去把人或物带回来。 (5)get与fetch同义,但比fetch口语化。 用bring, take, fetch 或carry的适当形式填空。 1. You can’t ______ the book out of the library. 2. He _________ the bag on his shoulder and went home. 3. ________ your paper here next time. 4. Please wait a minute. He’s just gone out to ______ some water. take carried Bring fetch e.g. How did it change his life? 它如何改变他的生活? 10. Thank you again for changing my life. change v. 变化;改变 1. Read the letter again after school. 2. Write a short story about Ben Smith. Ben Smith is disabled man. He … * * 2b Skim the letter and answer the questions. 1. What kind of letter is it? 2. Who wrote the letter to Miss Li? Why? Ben Smith. Because she helped him make it possible to have a special trained dog. It’s a thank-you letter. 1. group (adj. / n. ) ___________________________________ 2. disabled (adj. / adv. ) __________________________________ 3. difference (adv. / n. ) ___________________________________ ________________________ We’d better go in a group. 2c Look at the list of words below. Circle the part of speech of each word and make your own sentences with these words. I know a lot of disabled people need our help. Can you find the differences of the two pictures? 4. imagine (v. / n. ) __________________________________ 5. difficulties (n. / adj. ) _________________________________ 6. normal (adv. / adj. ) __________________________________ ________________________________ You can easily imagine my surprise. Each family has its own difficulties. A person s normal temperature is 37 degrees Centigrade. 7. training (adv. / n. ) ____


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