SEMI E137-0705中文版-半导体生产设备的总装、包装、运输、拆箱和搬迁指南.doc

SEMI E137-0705中文版-半导体生产设备的总装、包装、运输、拆箱和搬迁指南.doc

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SEMI E137-0705 ? SEMI 2004, 2005 PAGE 4 PAGE 5 SEMI E137-0705 ? SEMI 2004, 2005 SEMI E137-0705 国际半导体设备材料产业协会(SEMI)E137-0705 GUIDE FOR FINAL ASSEMBLY, PACKAGING, TRANSPORTATION, UNPACKING, AND RELOCATION OF SEMICONDUCTOR MANUFACTURING EQUIPMENT 半导体生产设备的总装、包装、运输、拆箱和搬迁指南 This guide was technically approved by the global Gases Committee. This edition was approved for publication by the global Audits and Reviews Subcommittee on April 7, 2005. It was available at in June 2005 and on CD-ROM in July 2005. Originally published November 2004. 该指南技术上由全球的煤气委员会认可。该版本由全球审核检查附属委员会于2005年4月7日批准出版。其于2005年6月发表在 网站上,并于2005年7月刻录只读光盘。初始版本于2004年11月发行。 NOTICE: Paragraphs entitled NOTE are not an official part of this document and are not intended to modify or supersede it 注意:题“注”段落非本文件的正式组成部分,无需修改或替换。 1 Purpose 目标 1.1 The objective of this document is to establish standard guidelines for activities specific to the final assembly and packaging at the suppliers facility, transportation, and unpacking and relocation of semiconductor manufacturing equipment (SME) to the customers cleanroom manufacturing area. 本文件旨在制定半导体生产设备(SME)在供应商工厂的总装和包装、运输和到客户洁净室生产区的拆箱和搬迁的特定活动的标准指南。 NOTE 1: As with any SEMI guide, the practices outlined herein are recommendations, not specifications. Users of this document should recognize that alternate practices are not excluded as long as they produce results that are equivalent to those produced using the recommendations outlined here and meet the requirements of the end user. 注1:就所有SEMI指南来说,此处概述的规程为建议而非规范。本文件使用者应了解:只要备选规程可产生使用在此概述建议相同的结果并满足最终用户要求,则其不应排除在外。 2 Scope 适用范围 2.1 This standard has been developed as a guide for final assembly and packaging at the suppliers facility through relocation of SME, separate subassemblies, and components from the customers loading dock/receiving area to their cleanroom manufacturing area for both high and ultrahigh purity applications. 本标准制定为高纯度和超高纯度应用SME、独立部件和组件在供应商工厂的总装和包装到从客户装货码头/接收区搬迁到洁净室生产区的指南。 NOTICE: This standard does no



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