earth song地球之歌教学文案.ppt

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Earth Song;为呼吁人 类行动起来, 保护自然和我们 赖以生存的地球 而作的伟大 单曲。;What about sunrise 日出呢 What about rain 雨呢 What about all the things 还有你说的那些 that you said we were to gain 我们曾为之努力的一切呢 What about killing fields 消失的土地呢 Is there a time 还会再有吗 What about all the things 还有你说的那些 that you said was yours and mine 属于你我的一切呢 Did you ever stop to notice 你可曾停下脚步 All the blood weve shed before 想想我们曾为之付出的血汗   ;Did you ever stop to notice 你可曾停下脚步 This crying Earth its weeping shores 想想哭泣的地球和垂泪的海岸 What have we done to the world 我们对地球做了些什么 Look what weve done 看看我们都做了些什么 What about all the peace 所有的和平呢 that you pledge your only son 那是你向你唯一儿子许诺过的呀 What about flowering fields 鲜花开遍的田野呢 Is there a time 还会再有吗 What about all the dreams 还有你说的那些 that you said were yours and mine 属于你我的梦想呢;;Heavens are falling down 天堂在陨落 (What about us) I cant even breathe 我甚至不能呼吸 (What about us) What about lost again 再次失去呢 (What about us) I leaded the woe 我造成了这灾难 (What about us) What about natures worth 大自然的财富呢 (ooo, ooo) Its our planets womb 它是我们星球的生命摇篮 (What about us)   What about animals 动物们呢 (What about it) Turned kingdoms to dust 它们王国被夷为废墟 (What about us) What about elephants 大象呢 (What about us) Have we lost their trust 我们已失去他们的信任了吗 (What about us);;Where did we go wrong 我们这是怎么了 (ooo, ooo) Someone tell me why 有人能告诉我吗 (What about us) What about the baby boy 婴孩呢 (What about it) What about the days 日子呢 (What about us) What about all their joy 他们所有的快乐呢 (What about us) What about the man 人类呢 (What about us) What about the crying man 哭泣的人群呢 (What about us) What about Abraham 亚伯拉罕先知呢 (What was us) What about death again 想再次灭亡吗 (ooo, ooo) Do we give a damn 我们真的不在乎吗;;


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