什么阻碍了你 (中英文).docVIP

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是什么阻碍了你 Whats stopping you? 太累了吗 Are you too tired? 睡眠匮乏吗 Didnt get enough sleep? 精力不足吗 Dont have enough energy? 时间不够吗? Dont have enough time? 是这些让你停下吗 Is that whats stopping you right now? 没有钱吗 Dont have enough money? 是这样吗 Is that the thing? 是这些事阻碍了你吗 Or is the thing thats stopping you? 你 You? 借口,对你来说 Excuse sound best 听起来是很完美的 to the person whos making them up. 不要再自怨自艾 Stop feeling sorry for youself. 不要再遗憾过去 Get out of the pity potty, 告诉大家你的悲伤 telling everybody you are sad 你的委屈让人们 and sob stories, trying to get people 感受,看见 to show up to your pity parties 你的遗憾 and your pity parades. 如果你在劳斯莱斯里看到我 If you ever see me in a rolls royce 在6星级或7星级酒店看到我 a 6 or 7 star hotel 将我的生活过的圆满 living my life to the fullest 不要嫉妒我 dont get jealous of me. 因为这是我全力以赴得来的 because i worked my ass off to get it. 没有任何人帮助我 Nobody handed me nothing. 叫醒自己 Wake your ass up. 唤醒内心沉睡的野兽 Awaken the beast inside. 比赛开始了 Its game on. 赛季已经到来 Its go season. 在你的国家,你的圈子, Its time for you to take advantage of the access 你拥有的资源和渠道 and the resources that you have 是时候发挥它们的作用了 in your country and your community. 你对你的生活还存有疑问吗 You got a problem with your life? 对你所在的环境怀有不满吗 You got a problem with your environment? 着手去改变吧 Do something about it. 既然心之所向 If you want it 不妨起身追逐 go get it. 你要明白 Recognise 借口,无效 the excuses are not valid. 他们的出现是虚无的 Theyre conjured up 他们的存在是伪造的 theyre fabricated 他们是谎言 theyre lies. 你怎样让谎言停止 And how do you stop the lies? 你只能用真相打败他 You stop the lies with the truth. 而真相就是 And the truth is 你拥有时间 you have time 你身怀技能 you have the skill 你掌握知识 you have the knowledge 还有支持 and the support 信念 and the willpower 自律 and the discipline 让你成功 to get it done. 生命里所有美好的事情 The fruit of everything good in life 都始于挑战 begins with a challenge. 困难的事情,就是值得的事情 Everything is uphill thats worthwhile. 成功不会主动来找你 And its not going to come to you 它不会无故落在你身上 and its not going to fall in your lap 它不会是 哦天哪 and its not going to be something that, Oh my gosh 其实就是这么简单 it just was so simple 成功本就不易 its always going to be difficult. 既


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