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`````` 必威体育精装版文档 必威体育精装版文档 必威体育精装版文档 必威体育精装版文档 必威体育精装版文档 必威体育精装版文档 必威体育精装版文档 必威体育精装版文档 必威体育精装版文档 必威体育精装版文档 必威体育精装版文档 必威体育精装版文档 必威体育精装版文档 必威体育精装版文档 必威体育精装版文档 必威体育精装版文档 name 必威体育精装版文档 Ive been thinking for a long time what we will do in our life... 我从很久以前就想, 这一生,我要做些什么 May be we have life like that... 必威体育精装版文档 We start by being taught in school how to become good citizens. We spend a great part of our childhood studying, and finally we get the diploma that will ensure us “the position we deserve”. 我们接受的教育一直要求我们做个好人。 我们大把的美好童年被用来学习, 学着学着终于得到了一个能给自己些许保障的、被称为“文凭”的东西。 必威体育精装版文档 We participate to the increase of unemployment ...until we find a job. Through hard tests we are accepted in the world of work. 直到找到了工作 我们一毕业就失业, 通过了很难的测试找到一份工作 必威体育精装版文档 We perform a good professional career filled with activity and efforts …a lot, a lot of efforts... till we fall down exhausted... BUT we are great professionals with our valuable market share. 但总是坚信自己的价值能在这个社会发出闪闪光芒! 我们对待工作时全心全意、充满激情 虽然时常太过拼命,让自己精疲力尽 必威体育精装版文档 Time keeps on passing, and... ...we select new targets. We meet the sweetheart of our life... ...and promise a neverending love. 我们慢慢长大,然后也有了些新的生活目标。 当终于遇到了生命中的那个TA, 我们毫不犹豫的许下不朽的誓言 必威体育精装版文档 We keep on advancing in the society trying to make the best of our time. We are the stars wherever we go and we are finally RICH! But we need some time more to triumph completely. 我们还在继续向上爬啊爬,。 总希望爬的越高越好 终于有一天,自己走到哪就成了哪里的焦点——没错,我们有钱了! 当然,真正的成功也许尚未到来,我们还得不断努力~ 必威体育精装版文档 Gosh! One day the company tell they can do without you. By this time, you think getting crazy, you feel destroyed, you feel you lost means of communication. You realise you are cut off from everything. 天啊,有一天公司对你说,他们不需要你了 在这时候,你快疯了 你感到糟糕 你觉得自己被孤立了。 挫败感让你丧失一切与他人沟通的能力和心情。 必威体育精装版文档 You realise you’ve been living in the fog in search of a silly target. You become a walking ghost trying to escape your enemies. You are the only one longing for the hours to pass till your time comes. 当你云里雾里的活着的时候,有天突然发现自己一直追求的东西怎么这么弱智。 你觉得自己像个行尸走肉,小心的避开敌人也不知道自己想要什么 常常自顾自的琢磨着,时间啊,你快跑吧! 赶紧让我结束这样的一生吧! 必威体育精装版文档 WILL WE HAVE THIS KIND OF LIFE ?? Absolutely not


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