英语系列讲座12012 7分析.ppt

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语言、文化:英语学习 色彩文化 1. 汉英基本颜色使用 The black people 黑人 The white people 白种人 The yellow people 黄种人 她皮肤白皙 1)She has a white skin. 2)She has a fair skin/complexion. 白搭 no use / no good 白送 to give away free of charge 白费事 all in vain * 语言、文化:英语学习 色彩文化 2. 引申意义 黑心 evil mind 黑幕 inside story of plot 红白喜事 1) red and white happy things 2) weddings and funerals 什么红白喜事,讨媳妇,死了人,大办酒席,实在可以不 必。 When people wear red and white, that is, at weddings and funerals, the practice of giving lavish feasts can well be dispensed with. * 语言、文化:英语学习 动植物文化 “ 俗话说得好, 叫做‘杀鸡吓猴,拿鸡 子宰了,那猴儿自然害怕”。 “ The saying has it well, ‘ kill the chicken in order to frighten the monkey . If the chicken is killed, the monkey is certainly scared. ” (直译) * 语言、文化:英语学习 动植物文化 嗨!这笨小子,真是狗捉耗子多管闲事。 福厚,你怎么就不给他教一教呢? Hey, the silly lad, he s really a busybody. (爱管闲事的人) Why didn t you tell him what s what. Fu-hou? (意译) * 语言、文化:英语学习 动植物文化 郭海娣见徐义德装出一副笑面虎的神情, 越发使她生气。 周而复:《上海的早晨》 It made Kuo Tsai-ti more furious than ever to see Hsu Yi-the putting on this wolf-in-sheep s-clothing manner. (改变 形象) * 语言、文化:英语学习 动植物文化 狄仁杰推荐的姚崇数十人,后来都成为名臣, 有人对狄仁杰说:“天下桃李,悉在公门矣。” Yao Chong and other tens of other people whom Di Renjie had recommended became famous ministers afterwards, and some people said to Di Renjie: “ all the pupils in the whole country have been taught by you. ” (意译) * 语言、文化:英语学习 习语文化 1. 相似 趁热打铁 to strike while the iron is hot 火上浇油 to pour oil on the flame 混水摸鱼 to fish in the troubled waters 稳如泰山 as steady as a mountain 轻如鸿毛 as light as feather * 语言、文化:英语学习 习语文化 2. 喻体不同 健壮如牛 as strong as a horse 艳若桃李 as red as rose, like lilies and roses 心猿意马 to have a head like a sieve 杀鸡取卵 to kill the goo


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