客户资产委托理财协议 Investment Mandate.pdf

客户资产委托理财协议 Investment Mandate.pdf

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客户资产委托理财协议 Investment Mandate Part I Aim of agreement 协议目的 The aim of this agreement is guaranteed that both investor and trustee are joined into this agreement on the basis of voluntary, mutually trust and fair manner. By joining the agreement, investor provides funds for trustee to invest base on their professional trading technique. This agreement also guarantees the rights and interests of both parties, ensures the trustee can well perform the fund management function and standardizes the rights and obligation for both parties. Thus to maximize the interests of both parties. 根据国家相关法律法规,在自愿平等的基础上,经委托方、受托方双方友好协商,委托方出资 金,受托方运用专业操盘技术;就金融投资委托理财相关事宜达成本协议。以此达到,保证协议 各方的合法权益,充分发挥受托方的 “受客之托,代客理财”的职能,促使出资方的利益最大化 并规范各方的权利和义务。合约双方本着互相信任、平等互利的原则,经友好协商,订立本合同, 供双方共同守信。 Part II Investor Details 委托方资料 Name (Mr / Ms / Mrs*) 姓名 ( 先生/ 小姐/ 女士*) ID No. / Passport No. 身分证号码 / 护照号码 Contact No. 联络号码 Email Address 电邮地址 Part III Trustee Details 受托方资料 Company Name / Name Global Hedge Trading Ltd. 姓名 ( 先生/ 小姐/ 女士*) 环球理财有限公司 Contact No. +852-2273-5333 联络号码 Email Address cs@ 电邮地址 Address 香港花园道3号花旗银行广场工商银行大厦21层 地址 Part IV Method of Managed Account资产委托理财方式 Investor opens account in ________________ (Account Number: _____________) with amount of ________________ and authorize the trustee to manage and trade. 委托方在 开立的资金账户共计 币种资金( 资金账号: )交由受托方进行理财操作。 第 1 頁 Page 1 Part V Investment Scope投资范围 The investment scope of the funds is strictly on FX, Oil, Gold, Silver


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