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Package Contents:
Argus DC-3190 3.2MP Digital Camera
3 AAA Alkaline Batteries
Camera Pouch
Driver and Software CD
Table of Contents
Safety and General Information2
Getting to Know Your Camera4
Camera Setup6
Driver Installation13
Safety and General Information
Thank you for purchasing the Argus DC-3190.
We hope that you enjoy this camera for years
of trouble-free operation. Please read this
manual carefully before using the camera
and follow the instruction to avoid any damage
that could be caused by improper operation.
The software CD-ROM packaged with the
camera is designed to be used with a personal
computer only. Do not attempt to play this
CD-ROM on a stereo or CD player as this may
cause damage to both the disc and the CD player.
This camera is a precision electronic device.
Do not attempt to service this camera yourself.
Opening or removing the cover may expose you
to dangerous voltages or other risks. Further,
avoid exposing this camera to direct sunlight
as doing so could cause a fire.
Before Using Your Camera
Use your camera to shoot several trial images
before taking pictures of important subjects
to ensure proper operation. Any loss caused
by the malfunction of this product (such as
costs of photography or loss of benefit generated
by the photography) is not the responsibility of
Argus Camera Company and no compensation
will be given for it.
Copyright Information
Unless agreed by the rightful owner, pictures
taken with this digital camera cannot be used in
violation of copyright law. Moreover, when there
is a “No Photography” restriction in place, you
cannot record any performance, improvisation, or
exhibit even for personal use. Any transfer of
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