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Table of Contents
I. Welcome2.
II. Getting Started 3.
Contents of package 3.
System Requirements 3.
DC1540 Features 3.
LCD Screen Features 4.
III. Powering Up7.
Battery Installation
Turning camera ON/OFF
Sleep Mode
IV. Taking Pictures8.
V. Install Arcsoft Programs and Camera Drivers9.
Install Camera Drivers
Install Arcsoft PhotoImpression 4.010.
Install Arcsoft VideoImpressio 1.611.
Install Arcsoft PhotoBase 3.0 12.
VI. Uninstall Arcsoft Programs12.
VII. Downloading Photos Using PhotoImpression 4.013.
VIII. Video Playback Using VideoImpression 1.614.
IX. Photo and Sharing Management Using PhotoBase 3.015.
X. Specifications16.
I. Welcome
Thank you for choosing Argus Camera to pursue your digital adventures. Whether you
are creating memories of your friends and family or exploring the great outdoors,
since 1936 Argus Camera has been there, sharpening your images with leading edge
technology. To get the utmost satisfaction from your DC1540 digital camera, please
take a moment to read through this manual. Its contents will send you on an
educational journey into your camera’s multiple capabilities.
Thank you again for choosing Argus!
This camera is not resistant to water and should not be used outdoors in snow or
rain. If accidentally dropped in water, please quickly pour out the water. Dry it
with sunlight or an air-blower.
Protect it from excessive humidity. It will wet the lens and the pictures taken will
be blurred.
Do not attempt to disassemble the camera yourself. Always take it to an
authorized service facility for repair.
To store the camera, wrap it in a piece of clean, soft cloth and plac
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